Academic Writing for International Students of Science - Jane Bottomley 2015
8.4 Focus on defining terminology
8 Textual development: structure, coherence, argument and critical thinking
A coherent text is one which guides the reader through a logical argument. As you do this, you will be required to define some scientific and technical terms. This will aid the non-expert reader, or show an expert reader (i.e. the person assessing your work) that you understand the terminology and have considered any problems or controversies associated with it.
Explorative Task
1) Look again at the opening paragraph from 8.2 and underline any expressions used to define the term ’masonry’.
Over the last three decades the term ’masonry’ has been widened from its traditional meaning of structures built of natural stone to encompass all structures produced by stacking, piling or bonding together discrete chunks of rock, fired clay, concrete, etc., to form the whole.
2) Look at some more definitions and underline phrases used to give definitions.
a) Durability can be defined as the ability of a material to remain serviceable for at least the required lifetime of the structure of which it forms a part.
b) The term mammal encompasses a huge variety of animals, including humans.
c) In today’s scientific realm, the prefix ’nano’ describes physical lengths that are on the order of a billionth of a meter long (i.e. 10-9 m).
Study Box: Useful phrases/structures for defining terminology
A dam is a wall that/which is built across a river to stop the water from flowing, especially in order to form a lake or produce electricity. 4.2.4 Focus on relative clauses
Sharks are a type of fish characterised by a cartilaginous skeleton.
Durability can be defined as the ability of a material to remain serviceable for at least the required lifetime of the structure of which it forms a part.
Psychology may be defined as the study of the mind.
The term global warming refers to a general increase in global temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the Earth.
The term mammal encompasses a huge variety of animals, including humans. In today’s scientific realm, the prefix ’nano’ describes physical lengths that are on the order of a billionth of a meter long (i.e. 10-9 m).
Over the last three decades the term ’masonry’ has been widened from its traditional meaning of structures built of natural stone to encompass all structures produced by stacking, piling or bonding together discrete chunks of rock, fired clay, concrete, etc., to form the whole.
Practice (i)
Write definitions for the terms below, using some of the phrases in the study box, and being careful to ’add grammar’ such as articles and verbs forms.
1) vitamin ___________________________
2) mathematics _______________________
3) solar panel _________________________
4) computer virus _____________________
Practice (ii)
Write some definitions for terms in your own subject, including one which has changed or is problematic.
Review Task
Write a text on one of the arguments you put forward in 8.3. Consider how to develop your argument coherently, with logical reasoning. Define any terms where you think it would be helpful for the reader.