Academic Writing for International Students of Science - Jane Bottomley 2015
abbreviations 113—114
abstracts 79, 81—82
academic conventions 18—20, 97—117
academic scientific style 14—25
acronyms 113—114
adverbials 28, 41
apposition 46
apostrophes 127
argument 91—95
articles 124—125
aspect 118
block quotations 103
brackets 128
bullet point lists 115—116
cause and effect 129
colons 47, 49—50
coherence 79—83, 87—91
cohesive devices 57—61
commas 46—47
complements 28
complex sentences 29—39
compound sentences 29—31
compound-complex sentences 30
conciseness 16—17
conclusions 83—85
conjunctions 29
contractions 21, 127
coordinating conjunctions 29—32
countability 123—125
clarity 14—17
clauses 29
criticality 68—74
critical thinking 94—95
definitions 95—96
determiners 123—125
ellipsis 59
end focus 53
equations 110—111
flow 52—62
formality 22—23
formatting 117
general versus specific information 54—57
given versus new information 52—54
Harvard system 99
hyphens 128
infinitive clauses 34—35
information structure 52—57
introductions 83—85
lists 48—50, 114—116
noun phrases 122—126
objects 28
outlines 8
paragraph development 52—62
parallel structures 48—50
paraphrase 71—76
participle clauses 33—34
passives 35, 85—86
plagiarism 64—66
plurals 123—124
precision 17
prepositional phrases 41
prepositions 130
proofreading 12
punctuation 44—50, 61, 127—131
quotation 102—104
redrafting 10
reduced relative clauses 37—38
referencing 68—74, 97—102
relative clauses 36—39
scientific conventions 18—20, 97—117
semi-colons 47, 49—50
sentence connectors 41—42
sentence patterns 130
sentence structure 26—39, 40—50
simple sentences 28—29
SI system 112—113
spelling 117
square brackets 103—104
subject + verb structures 26—27
subordinating conjunctions 29, 32—33
summary 71—76
synonyms 59
syntax 42—44
synthesis 74—76
tables and figures 104—110
tense 118
that-clauses 36
Vancouver system 99
verb forms 118—121
verb patterns 120—121
writing process 4—13
word classes 129—130