Academic Writing for International Students of Science - Jane Bottomley 2015

Academic Writing for International Students of Science - Jane Bottomley 2015

1 Introduction

2 The writing process

2.1 Writing to develop and communicate thinking

2.2 Reflecting on your current approach to writing

2.3 The importance of redrafting

2.4 Focus on proofreading

3 Academic scientific style

3.1 Clarity

3.2 Language and conventions

4 Sentence structure 1

4.1 Subject + verb structures

4.2 Sentence types

5 Sentence structure 2

5.1 Combining ideas

5.2 Focus on punctuation

5.3 Lists and parallel structures

6 Paragraph development: achieving flow

6.1 Information structure

6.2 Cohesive devices

6.3 Focus on punctuation

7 Referring to sources: paraphrase, refer-encing, criticality and the issue of plagiarism

7.1 Using your own words

7.2 Adopting good academic practice: referencing and criticality

7.3 Strategies for paraphrase and summary

7.4 Synthesising information from multiple sources

7.5 Using your reading to build a bank of common structures and phrases

8 Textual development: structure, coherence, argument and critical thinking

8.1 Structure and coherence

8.2 Maintaining coherence

8.3 Building an argument

8.4 Focus on defining terminology

9 Academic and scientific conventions

9.1 Referencing conventions

9.2 Incorporating quotation

9.3 Tables and figures

9.4 Equations

9.5 Units of measurement

9.6 Acronyms and abbreviations

9.7 Bullet point and numbered lists

9.8 UK versus US spelling

9.9 Formatting and presentation

1 Verb forms and patterns

A1.1 Verb forms

A1.2 Verb patterns

2 Complex noun phrases

3 Common areas of difficulty in grammar and punctuation

A3.1 Common punctuation problems

A3.2 Common grammar problems

4 Model texts

Answer Key


Sources of authentic example texts and sentences
