Master a variety of signal phrases - Ten strategies for creative source engagement - The parts of ten

APA style and citations for dummies - Joe Giampalmi 2021

Master a variety of signal phrases
Ten strategies for creative source engagement
The parts of ten

Signal phrases are your turn signals that indicate the direction of your source engagement. Knowledge of a variety of phrases gives you, the writer, the option of turning 90 degrees right, 80, 70, or 60 degrees. Signal phrases also provide you with the language to turn 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Signal phrases also start and stop a speaker.

Mastering a folder full of signal phrases is like having a fully charged phone: You have the power for a full day of communicating. Chapter 11 details the use of signal phrases. Signal phrases also provide a range of tone for representing sources in context. Note the variances of tone here:

· Bradberry confirmed the results of the lab study.

· Bradberry was fairly confident in the results of the lab study.

· Bradberry certified the results of the lab study.