Save me a Seat

English Collocations in Dialogue: Master Hundreds of Collocations in American English Quickly and Easily - Jackie Bolen 2021

Save me a Seat

Jerry: Hey Sid, can you save me a seat in class? I'm going to come

Sid: Take your I'll even take notes for you but I go old school on a pad of But, why are you always late?

Jerry: You know the cute girls always catch my eye and then I have to stop and talk. But, keep up the good work my friend. I love that you always pay attention in class.

Sid: We should have lunch after class. What do you think?

Jerry: Sounds great. It's my


Save me a seat: Hold a seat for someone at an event, meeting, class, etc.

Come late: Show up not on time.

Take your time: Don't worry about hurrying.

Take notes: Write down briefly what is being heard.

Old school: Old-fashioned.

Pad of paper: Papers that are bound together in a pad.

Catch my eye: Something shiny, sparkling, appealing makes you look.

Keep up the good work: Continue doing the good things you're doing.

Pay attention: Look closely; focus.

Have lunch: Eat lunch.

My I'll pay.


Do you want to ... next Friday?

Please ...! You'll need to know this for your test next week.

If you ... to Dr. Kim's class, you have to sit in the front row.

My dad loves to play ... music on his record player.

Jeremy, ... . You did so well on your last report card.

Don't worry about it. It's ... .

Please ... . I'm going to be a little bit late getting there.

I can't go to the mall! So many things ... and I spend too much money.

Please ... for this meeting, okay?

I need to pick up a ... for the house to take phone messages.

Please ... doing this test. You have two hours to do it.


have lunch

pay attention

come late

old school

keep up the good work

my treat

save me a seat

catch my eye

take notes

pad of paper

take your time