Set 30 - the determination to step up in tough situations

Advanced English Conversations (2) - Robert Allans, Matt Edie, A. Mustafaoglu 2020

Set 30 - the determination to step up in tough situations

Presenter: You made the transition from player to agent - and even negotiated a contract or two while you were an active player. How did you pull that off?

David: You putting it that way makes me realize that after I got drafted in 1974. Coach Hank offered me a contract, a $14,000 base salary and said, "What do you think about that?" I mustered up all of my courage and said, "Gee, coach, that doesn’t sound that good."

Presenter: Since winning is the yardstick, that should mean a team is happy to pay elite players elite compensation. Right?

David: It goes without saying they must be talented. But my experience is that smart guys are those who pull their weight and play at a high level, and for a long time.

Presenter: Where do you feel you add your biggest value?

David: My job is simple: to take care of my player for better or worse. The loyalty, the availability, the determination to step up in tough situations.


make a transition: to make a change from one form or type to another.

pull off: to be able to perform or complete something, especially in the face of hardships, difficulties, or setbacks.

get drafted: 1. to be selected from a group for placement on a sports team. 2. enrolled in the armed forces; conscription.

muster up: to summon or gather something together. Said especially of intangible qualities.

yardstick: a way of measuring how good, accurate, or effective something is.

It goes without saying: used to mean that something is obvious.

pull one’s weight: to do one’s share of work.

add value: to make an improvement or addition to something that makes it worth more.

for better or worse: under any conditions; no matter what happens.

set up: to provide someone with adequate support, motivation and nourishment.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases or words;

1. Can you .......... the strength up to walk back to camp, or should I go for help?

2. The B&B provides a generous breakfast that will .......... you up for the rest of the day.

3. To win the loyalty of your employees, you have to trust everyone, for .......... or worse.

4. The region is slowly making a .......... to a more knowledge-based economy.

5. Congratulations on winning the case! I wasn't sure you'd .......... it off.

6. Make sure you add .......... to your customer by offering good service and delivering the product.

7. Come on! Pull up your .......... If you carry on the same momentum, we are bound to lose.

8. Of course, it goes .......... saying that you'll be paid for the extra hours you work.

9. The only valid .......... for measuring traffic safety is deaths per miles driven.

10. When I was a junior in high school, I got .......... by the Pittsburgh Penguins in the sixth round of the entry draft.

1. muster 2. set 3. better 4. transition 5. pull 6. value 7. weight 8. without 9. yardstick 10. drafted