Set 60 - It was a really nice gesture

Advanced English Conversations (2) - Robert Allans, Matt Edie, A. Mustafaoglu 2020

Set 60 - It was a really nice gesture

Marta: I heard that Will’s seeking permission to stay in the states. Isn’t he?

Dave: Yeah! He wishes to be given a leave to stay after 4 years of service. The visa authorities asked him to submit a detailed account of his work and personal life to examine his condition.

Marta: Oh! How about his surprise promotion party? How did it go?

Dave: Great. You should have seen his face; he was so moved. It was a really nice gesture for the company to throw a party for him like that. They really wined and dined us, even better the CEO put in an appearance! What about you? Why didn’t you join us?

Marta: Oh, I was going to come, but then my friends sprang a surprise on me too that same night.

Dave: Did they? Was it a special occasion?

Marta: Yes, it was my birthday and they had made arrangements to invite lots of friends that I hadn’t seen for ages.

Dave: Sounds great. Happy birthday, by the way.


seek permission: to request or ask for allowance to do something.

a leave: (noun) time allowed away from work for a holiday or illness.

moved: (adjective) having strong feelings of sadness or sympathy, because of something someone has said or done.

nice gesture: something that you do to communicate your good intentions towards someone.

throw a party: to put on or hold a social gathering.

wine and dine: to entertain with good food.

put in an appearance: attend an event briefly, especially as a matter of courtesy.

spring a surprise: to do, ask, or say something that is not expected.

special occasion: an important day or event.

make arrangements: to plan or prepare for someone or something.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases or words;

1. We have to open our eyes very well so that we leave no chance for our enemy to .......... on us.

2. Most consumers either clearly linked semi-dried tomato exposure to a .......... , or were very regular consumers.

3. We preferred to go on foot but your offering to drive us there was a very ..........

4. I've asked if I can take a week's unpaid .......... but the director was not affirmative.

5. They're throwing a party to introduce their nephew to the neighbors.

6. They wine and dine clients in festive tents, promoting their image of achievement and success.

7. When she told me about her daughter's death, I was too .......... even to speak.

8. We're making arrangements to have the faulty equipment repaired next week.

9. I felt like I had to .......... at the staff party, but I only stayed for three hours.

10. Today's court case is to .......... to convene meetings with shareholders.

1. spring a surprise 2. special occasion 3. nice gesture 4. leave 5. throwing a party 6. wine and dine 7. moved 8. making arrangements 9. put in an appearance 10. seek permission