Set 62 - leisurewear about to hit the high street

Advanced English Conversations (2) - Robert Allans, Matt Edie, A. Mustafaoglu 2020

Set 62 - leisurewear about to hit the high street

Reporter: How did you get into the fashion world?

Jessie: As a matter of fact, ever since I was a child, I’ve loved reading glossy magazines, looking at the photos and finding out what’s in fashion.

Reporter: And as you grew up, did you buy designer label clothes or high-street fashion?

Jessie: I actually loved watching fashion shows on TV, especially when Paris designers launched their new collections.

Reporter: And now you are the one showing us the new season’s look and setting the trend!

Jessie: That’s right. I still can’t quite believe it.

Reporter: So what should we be wearing this year?

Jessie: Well, there is a stunning range of new leisurewear that would for sure take the market by storm. It’s based on the new adventure influenced trend. And it’s going to be comfortable to wear too.

Reporter: Impressive. So, have you ever yourself been a fashion victim?

Jessie: Honestly; I’ve worn some excruciatingly uncomfortable previously, so I’m happy to report that flat shoes are definitely back in fashion!


glossy: (adjective) superficially attractive, stylish, and suggesting wealth.

designer label: a famous company that makes expensive clothes, bags, etc.

high-street fashion: the clothing you can buy on the high street in ordinary towns and cities.

season’s look: the time in each year when new styles of clothes, hair, etc. become fashionable.

set the trend: to do something that becomes accepted or fashionable, and that a lot of other people copy.

stunning: extremely beautiful or attractive.

take the market by storm: to be instantly successful, to make a big impact in a market.

fashion victim: someone who always wears very fashionable clothes even if the clothes sometimes make them look silly.

excruciatingly: (adverb) in a way that is extreme and difficult to bear.

back in fashion: becoming fashionable again; popular again.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases or words;

1. Although I’m not a big proponent of long hair, but it is back in fashion for men. And as a barber I have to comply with the desires of my customers.

2. You can’t reach Steven right now. He is obsessed with a .......... TV series.

3. Most large .......... retailers develop and deliver their brand image on the basis of the brands that they sell.

4. Mike is a master designer. He makes the most .......... evening dresses.

5. The performance was .......... embarrassing and the actors had to get off stage.

6. If you are looking for new things, follow Berlin's ....................................... wandering around Nanna Kuckuck's boutique.

7. Mr. Cox argues that no - one has yet delivered a model to ..........

8. This was the first large group of simple articulated locomotives in America and .......... for the development of future high horsepower engines.

9. The fashion business moves so quickly that nobody can remember last ..........

10. Our aim is to make this one of the world's great .........................................

1. back in fashion 2. glossy 3. high street fashion 4. stunning 5. excruciatingly 6. fashion victims 7. take the market by storm 8. set a trend 9. season's look 10. designer labels