Set 64 - who is left to carry on the legacy?

Advanced English Conversations (2) - Robert Allans, Matt Edie, A. Mustafaoglu 2020

Set 64 - who is left to carry on the legacy?

Presenter: How did you get started in soccer?

Mike: Well I grew up in Florida which was a soccer hotbed. Personally I wasn’t only really into soccer but a talented and passionate player. I realized pretty soon that soccer could take me somewhere.

Presenter: Who were some soccer role models you looked up to when you were coming up?

Mike: Hmmm. Pele, Maradona, Joey Best, Dennis Bergkamp, and Cobi Jones to name a few.

Presenter: Can you share with us any lessons you learned from soccer that you could later apply to life off the pitch?

Mike: Appreciating and getting along with other people. You have to get along and learn to adjust to a large variety and background of people.

Presenter: What do you think we need to do to increase soccer interest in this country?

Mike: We need to focus on promoting younger players. I think if they could get the youth system doing better and connect them with the older players. It's also great bringing over Beckham and Renaldo--but once they leave who is left to carry on the legacy?


hotbed: a place or situation where a lot of a particular activity is happening or might happen.

take someone somewhere: to make progress.

role model: a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.

looked up to: to have a great deal of respect for (someone).

off the pitch: when players living their normal lives away from sport.

get along with: to have a harmonious or friendly relationship.

adjust to: to adapt or conform oneself to new conditions or regulations.

bring over: o take someone or something from one place to the place where someone else is.

carry on: to continue to do or be involved with something.

legacy: a situation that has developed as a result of past actions and decisions.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases or words;

1. His career was successful, but it was his life off the pitch which started to overshadow his performance on the pitch.

2. I'll .......... my holiday photos .......... when I come.

3. The success of the Olympic Games left a lasting .......... of benefit to the city.

4. Dianne is .......... the family tradition by becoming a lawyer.

5. Some brothers and sisters .......... well, while others fight like cats and dogs.

6. A father is a .......... for his sons. It’s ridiculous to misbehave before them.

7. The kids really .......... their coach who made endless efforts to train them well.

8. The tragedy in Syria, and the actual division in Iraq, did not affect the lives of millions of innocent people only, but also turned the region into a  of .......... instability.

9. As a teacher you have to .......... your methods to suit the needs of slower children.

10. Setting a definite set of goals and sticking with them is sure to .......... you ..........

1. off the pitch 2. bring/over 3. legacy 4. carrying on 5. get along 6. role model 7. look up to 8. hotbed 9. adjust 10. take / somewhere