Set 89 - I’d love to set a new benchmark for craftsmen

Advanced English Conversations (2) - Robert Allans, Matt Edie, A. Mustafaoglu 2020

Set 89 - I’d love to set a new benchmark for craftsmen

Interviewer: How did you get into wood working?

Mike: I started working as a filling person at first. Then advanced up to learning to do sanding, building drawers and headboards, and now operating the CNC machine.

Interviewer: What exactly is a CNC machine?

Mike: CNC stands for Computer Numeric Controller. It’s basically a 3­D printer that prints Auto CAD drawings.

Interviewer: Favorite piece among Hardwood Artisans’ furniture?

Mike: I really like the Tansu style pieces. It has sophisticated design with Japanese flare to it. I also like the Craftsman collection because of its classic design that fits well into different homes.

Interviewer: What is your ultimate goal as a craftsman?

Mike: I admire peer woodworker’s different skills and want to learn from each one of them. I will continue to learn and polish up my woodworking skills to become a master woodworker. I’d love to set a new benchmark for craftsmen throughout the world.


get into: to become interested in or passionate about something.

advance: to improve; to develop.

stand for: to represent, signify, or exemplify something.

sophisticated: (adjective) developed to a high degree of complexity.

ultimate goal: the goal one will seek to fulfill above all other goals.

polish up: to improve or refresh one's knowledge about or ability to do something.

master: a person who is very skilled in a particular job or activity.

benchmark: a level of quality that can be used as a standard when comparing other things


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases or words;

1. My daughter has .......... into sports all of sudden.

2. Everyone was disappointed when the team failed to .......... to the next round of the competition.

3. A long time interest in hypnosis led to several years of study with a .......... hypnotist with whom he joined in establishing a school of hypnosis.

4. I need to .......... up on factorials before attempting to teach them on Monday.

5. Identify Intermediate Goals. Determine the underlying claims. There may be intermediate goals that, if achieved, will facilitate realization of the .......... goal.

6. The development of new and increasingly .......... techniques for the authentication of food products continues apace with increasing consumer awareness of food safety and authenticity issues.

7. The stars and stripes of our flag .......... for liberty afforded to individual state governments.

8. Teachers give the .......... tests to see whether students are grasping the new curriculum.

1. got 2. advance 3. master 4. polish 5. ultimate 6. sophisticated 7. stand 8. benchmark