Make sure you make your point - Winning interview strategies

How to write a winning scholarship essay - Gen Tanabe, Kelly Tanabe 2018

Make sure you make your point
Winning interview strategies

Jason Morimoto, State Farm Exceptional Student “I have been involved in practically every type of interview whether it be a single interviewer, a panel or a phone interview.

“The toughest by far are the phone interviews because the scholarship committee cannot physically see who you are and your facial expressions.

“I personally prefer the panel interviews because it gives you a chance to make a strong impression on multiple people. I have found great success with panels.

“However, no matter what the format of the interview, the most important thing is to make sure that you get across your main strengths. If they do not ask you directly, try to weave it in with a related story or tie it in as a closing statement. You always want to give the most information possible to the interviewers so that they can understand your uniqueness as a person.”