29. Have you got a Good Reason? - 2. Linking Gambits

Conversation Gambits - Eric Keller, Sylvia T Warner 1988

29. Have you got a Good Reason?
2. Linking Gambits

Write down four things which you should have done recently but didn't

For example:

a letter you haven't yet written

a book you haven't returned

a person you haven’t rung

a visit you haven't made


Work in pairs. First, exchange lists of what you haven’t done One student should start to challenge the other. Start

You should have ...

You’ll have to ...

Why haven't you ...

Answer with good reasons, using the phrases in the list to introduce your reasons.


Problem: 1 haven’t given you back the book I borrowed from you last summer.

Student 1: l only gave you that book for a short time You should have given it back months ago.

Student 2: I’m sorry. The reason why I haven't given you it back is because I couldn’t find it. I packed all my books in boxes when I moved: that's why I can’t find anything at the moment.


The reason why ...

Because ...


Because of that ...

That’s why ...

That’s the reason why ...

1For this reason ...

1. More formal.