63. Mini-Conversations - 3. Responding Gambits

Conversation Gambits - Eric Keller, Sylvia T Warner 1988

63. Mini-Conversations
3. Responding Gambits

Most of the activites in this book help you to practise the gambits for one or two "bits of a conversation But you might like to build longer "mini-conversations to remind you of some of the gambits you have practised earlier.

On these few pages you will find suggestions for some mini­conversations which you can practise in pairs

Remember, the idea is to practise the gambits If you are short of ideas for the content of your conversations use one or more of the subjects on pages 89 to 93






Remember, in all the activities in this book, it is more important to practise the Conversation Gambits — The language is more important, while you are practising, than the content of what you say!

Sometimes you may have trouble thinking of ideas for the content of some of the practices. To help you, here are 30 subjects with a few important ideas connected with each. You can use any of these subjects for the mini-conversations (pages 85 to 88), or for many of the other activities in the book.


Too much violence   Good value for money

Trivial programmes   Terrific source of news

Kills conversation    Very educational

Makes people passive   Helps lonely people

Living in the country

Isolated and lonely    Neighbours help each other more

Dull and boring    Surrounded by nature

OK in summer, awful in winter No stress or pressure

Too many insects    Fresh air

Healthy eating

I know what's best for me  Think of the future

Enjoyment more important  Good for you

Boring and tasteless   Avoid cancer

Only for fanatics

Teenage drug abuse

Parents to blame    Got to understand why

Heavy fines    Care in special centres

Prison     Long-term problem

Sign of the times

Aid to the Third World

Guns, armies, weapons   Responsibility

Irresponsible leaders   Famine, starvation

Charity begins at home   Malnutrition

Corruption     Caring and sharing


Pollution     A necessity

Carbon monoxide    Freedom

Accidents     Mobile

Status symbol    The modern world


Only for the power-crazy   Involvement

Power corrupts    Party politics

Career politicians    Democracy

A necessary evil     Alternative?

Nuclear power

Dangerous     The nuclear age

Waste from nuclear reactor  Cheap source of energy

Contamination    Remote places

Threat to the world    Best available

Living in the city

Noisy, dirty, unhealthy   Always something happening

Traffic, danger    Stimulating, exciting

Pace of life, stress    Night life

Too many people     Plenty of variety

Old buildings

Should be demolished    Add character

The price of progress    Conservation

Old-fashioned, cold    Human design

Waste energy    Concrete jungle

To strike or not to strike

Very low wages    Boss is very nice

Can only take holidays in winter  Good food in the canteen

Atmosphere is too dusty unhealthy Easy to take time off to go to dentist

Firm made huge profits last year  Bonus at Christmas

Reporting an accident

Volvo driver was to blame   Lorry overtook on the crossing

Volvo was going too slowly   Speed limit

The old lady didn't look before crossing It was getting dark

Traffic lights weren't working  Difficult to say

Describing the man who ran away

Tall       Above average height

Darkish hair     Black straight hair

Not from this part of the country  Welsh accent

Dark suit      Quite well-dressed

The ideal teacher

Strict      Progressive

Lots of homework    Up-to-date, modern approach

Properly dressed    Jeans, no tie

Talks a lot but students must be silent Allows students to talk


Too comfortable    Basic human rights

Deterrent      Dignity

Made to suffer     Home comforts

The taxpayers money    Understanding


Stink       Freedom of the individual

Lung cancer     My right to decide

Selfish      Nervous

The expense


Man created God    God created Man

No need      Belief

No life after death    Meaning to life

Superstition     Church

Sex education in schools

In the home     Who else could teach it?

Not what schools are for    Unwanted pregnancy

How far do you go?    Responsible attitudes

Love more important than sex   Mature

The green movement

Bunch of crackpots    Peace-loving

Out of date      Destruction of the environment

Unrealistic      Forest, whales, clean air

Uneconomic     Global village


Fouling the streets    Man's best friend

Penalty       Companionship, guide dogs

Unhealthy for children     The old and the lonely

Bite, rabies deaths    Faithful, sheep dogs


Mt Etna has erupted    Last time was 1958

Hundreds dead     Terrible

Thousands homeless     Horrific

Air crash

Two |umbo jets     Awful

650 people      Unthinkable

Mid-air collision

Thunder storm


Off work tomorrow    What is wrong?

Uncle’s funeral     Old?


Long illness

Trouble at home

Teenage son in trouble with police  Stealing?

Stole a car      Age?

16 Sorry?      Sorry?

Crazy about cars


1. Typewriter £200    Very reliable

3 letters don't work    Have you dropped it?

Very careful      Very good make

Only I week old

2. Car, £8,000     Beautiful model

Terrible noise     Don’t understand

Worst in 4th gear     Investigate

3. Dress, £45      Receipt?

Hole under arm     Don’t understand carefully checked

Refund?       No refund but will repair

Only prepared to accept a refund or replacement but not a repair

4. Holiday in Turkey, £550    Should have phoned from Turkey

Hotel was awful     Should have complained to representative

Had to share a room!    £50 off next years holiday

Return flight was 23 hours late


Want £50 NOW

Teenage problems

Parents should be stricter    Trust your children

Home by 10.30pm latest    Home by midnight

Stop pocket-money if problems   Talk problems through as a family

Remind what things were like when you were young   Be a friend not a parent


Come to the party     Rather not

Fun        Shy

Dancing       Can't

Good food      Can eat at home

Great music      Got better at home

Sue will be there     Think about it

Buying a new stereo

Best value for money    Bit expensive

Good amplifier     Doesn't look attractive

40 watt speakers     Too big for my room

Special offer at moment     Sounds better

£100 off       OK

Planning a trip to the tropics

Innoculations. visas, sun cream, pills, light clothes, mosquito net, insect repellent, cotton underwear phrase book, guide books