London business school - Business

Grad's guide to graduate admissions essays - Colleen Reding 2015

London business school

Essay 1: In what role or sector do you see yourself working immediately after graduation? Why? How will your past and present experiences help you achieve this? How will the London Business School MBA Programme contribute to this goal?

In the short-term, I plan to pursue a position in the field of corporate social responsibility with an international company. I am particularly interested in working with a food or beverage company to address agricultural sustainability, help improve environmental management, and promote social and economic development in local communities.

As Assistant Director of Buffalo ReformED, a Buffalo, NY-based education reform nonprofit, I researched and developed solutions to challenges in the local education system and worked with a diverse group of community members and business and political leaders to push for change within the system. This experience will prepare me to coordinate with individuals and agencies in both the public and private spheres and tackle the challenges involved with changing business practices to increase social impact.

I began working with Buffalo ReformED in its early stages. As the current Executive Director, I have had the opportunity to stabilize and improve the organization. I worked collaboratively with board leadership to establish a stable funding stream, a cohesive strategic plan, and a strong mission. This experience provided me with skills necessary to implement organizational change and enact innovative solutions that support both the business and the community it impacts.

While I have a strong background in the social sector, I believe an MBA at London Business School will provide me with the skills, tools, and international networks necessary to reach my goals and transition into the business world.

The core curriculum at LBS and flexibility offered through electives such as Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, World Problems, and Prospects will give me the diverse skill set necessary to work in a field that requires traditional business skills, entrepreneurship, and experience with public policy. The opportunity to specialize in a field such as change management would provide me with the skills necessary to shift a company’s business practices in a way that enhances its social and economic impact.

A necessary skill in working in the field of corporate social responsibility is the ability to change attitudes and gain support for new ideas. London Business School’s focus on building leadership and communication skills through the Leadership Launch and Global Leadership Assessment for Managers will prepare me to take a leadership position in an international setting, communicate ideas effectively, and influence others.

An MBA from the London Business School will help me reach my goal of working with an international company by providing unique opportunities to connect with a diverse and international student body and extensive alumni network and gain hands-on experience through a study abroad program or Global Business Experience.

As an American student with an international background, I am seeking an MBA experience in London because I believe it will be the best platform from which to pursue my goal of increasing social impact in the business world. The LBS MBA will provide me with the right skills, the most diverse network and the most challenging environment in which to develop; in return, I will be a valuable resource and active addition to its community.

Essay 2: Where do you see your career progressing five years after graduation and what is your longer term career vision?

After working in the corporate responsibility branch of an international company for 5 years, I aim to have completed projects that build socially responsible practices within areas such as environmental sustainability or agricultural development.

Through these experiences, I will build the skills necessary to launch my own social venture—a recycling company that aims to promote recycling and decrease pollution in Cairo, Egypt. During my travels to Egypt, I noted that waste disposal practices are primitive, and recycling of plastics and other reusable materials is very limited. I plan to launch a company that gives incentive to individuals to recycle by offering them monetary rewards, while providing cheaper recycled materials to local manufacturers. If successful, this model would create economic benefit for urban individuals, while changing attitudes toward environmental sustainability. I plan to incorporate a strong community education component in order to enhance the company’s impact and empower local citizens to engage in efforts to improve their environment and quality of life.

Business models that integrate social and commercial value are a relatively new frontier, especially in nations like Egypt. I aim to be a leader in this field, supporting creative and sustainable solutions to social and environmental problems.

Essay 3: Give a specific example of when you have had to test your leadership and/or team working skills either professionally, or outside of work. What role will you play in your first year study group?

In December 2010, I was appointed to the advisory board of the New York Campaign for Achievement Now, an education reform organization dedicated to improving New York State’s public education system. The advisory board consists of educators and leaders who hold different ideas on public education reform.

My first task was helping to decide the policy goals for 2011. The challenge of balancing diverse opinions proved difficult; rather than collaborate productively, each board member used the opportunity to advance his own cause. We needed to work together in a way that focused on the organization’s mission as a whole. Instead of allowing the members to lobby for individual goals, I asked each one to provide a single legislative item that would be most impactful for the organization. When we listed the priorities, the group was surprised to see that there was considerable overlap. With that in mind, it was much easier for us to reach consensus. I created a ranking rubric that optimized impact and feasibility, and eventually the group agreed on three top priorities.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson about group work. If an assignment arises in which there is conflict over how to reach a solution, I will be able to balance differing opinions and find common ground. I am unafraid to take a leadership position and have strong organizational and time management skills. At the same time, I recognize that being a part of a successful team requires encouraging others to take ownership and initiative.

I have learned that the LBS study group is more than an academic group; it becomes a family and support network. As a socially adept and outgoing person who thrives in new environments, I will be able to facilitate relationship building and an effective working environment within my group.

Essay 4: Student involvement is an extremely important part of the London MBA experience and this is reflected in the character of students on campus. What type of student club or campus community events will you be involved with and why? How will you contribute?

Throughout my life I have always sought to be an active and giving member of the communities to which I belong.

I have volunteered with mentoring and tutoring programs for over 5 years. I hope to continue this work at LBS by participating in tutoring programs in Westminster. I currently volunteer with the Georgetown University Alumni Admissions Program and can apply this experience to help support CV writing sessions or interview practice for youth in the community.

I have played football for most of my life, though I’ve always called it soccer, and would be eager to join the Women’s Football team, bringing athletic and team leadership skills with me. As an undergraduate I founded an art appreciation club at my university. We organized events and trips to nearby museums. I hope to contribute to the Art Appreciation club at LBS by utilizing these skills to help organize events and increase student participation. I am an avid drum player and would be interested in connecting with other musicians through Music Club. I am passionate about cooking; I would like to find or found a club that celebrates the student body’s diversity through international cuisine.

I am interested in exploring my professional interests and networking with peers through the Responsible Business Club. As the Executive Director of a nonprofit organization, I believe I can offer a unique perspective on the social sector. I would seek new challenges through participation in the Global Social Venture Fund competition.

I hope to be an active member of the student community through participation in clubs and social events such as Tattoo, or the annual Snow Club ski trip. I am eager to interact with my peers, learn from their diverse experiences, and use my previous experiences and leadership skills to strengthen the LBS community.

Essay 5: London Business School offers a truly global and diverse experience. Describe any significant experiences outside of your home country or culture. What did you gain and how will your experience contribute to the School?

In 2008, I participated in a 6-month study abroad program in Seville, Spain. I lived with a Spanish family and took courses taught fully in Spanish at the Universidad de Sevilla, alongside students from Spain and other parts of Europe. The full immersion approach pushed me to adapt to a different culture and academic style. Beyond Spanish language skills, studying abroad gave me an opportunity to experience a new culture and evaluate myself and my role in a globalized world. As an American student in Spain, I pushed my own boundaries in order to integrate and communicate with my peers. As an international student with a nontraditional work background, I may face a similar experience at LBS. I will be able to capitalize on the differences in culture and experience that will surely exist between my classmates and me, enhance their network, and provide a unique perspective in the classroom.

Essay 6: Give an example of a person who, in your opinion, has made a profound impact on the way the world does business. How will this person influence your contribution to your MBA Programme at London Business School?

By bridging the gap between traditional banking and social good, economist and banker Professor Muhammad Yunus has profoundly impacted the way the world does business. In the mid 1970s, while visiting some of the poorest households in Jobra, Bangladesh, he discovered that small loans to village women could help them to overcome poverty. His personal loan to rural basket weavers in Jobra grew into Grameen Bank—a formal bank that continues to make momentous advances toward eradicating poverty through the concept of microlending.

Professor Yunus’s impact on the business world has inspired my professional goals and will help shape my contribution to the MBA program at London Business School. Muhammad Yunus was one of the original social entrepreneurs; he challenged the idea that social good and economic benefit must exist in isolation. This type of thinking across sectors will drive my approach to the MBA experience. Finding solutions to complex issues, whether in the social or business realm, requires a combination of strategies and use of best practices from multiple sources. I will apply my professional experiences in the nonprofit world to the MBA curriculum in order to find unique solutions to academic questions and real world issues. I will be open to the ideas and perspectives of others.

Muhammad Yunus challenged the status quo in Bangladesh. He overcame political and social backlash to serve more than 7.5 million borrowers living in poverty. Despite Grameen Bank’s nontraditional approach to lending, its business model has proven to be exceptionally successful, even by traditional metrics. Throughout my 2 years at LBS, I will challenge the status quo, ask questions, and take risks. I will take advantage of the diverse academic and extracurricular opportunities available to me in order to gain the skills necessary to make an impact in the business and social sectors.