
Student's guide to writing college papers, Fourth edition - Kate L. Turabian 2010


Abstracts in Anthropology, 51

acknowledgment and response. See readers

addresses, 249—50

agreement, building on, 36—37. See also disagreements

American Psychological Association style. See APA style


claims as, in introductions, 79

notes for, 61

planning for, 40—41

working, proposing, 40—41

writing them out, 40

See also arguments; claims; questions

anthropology, resources, 267—68

APA style, xi, 49, 144, 147, 198—212

citation of sources, 199—202

reference lists, 198, 202—12

area charts, 113


as answers to questions, 18—21, 64—65, 68—73, 79

core of (claim + reason + evidence), 18—21, 43, 65—68, 72—73

elevator stories, encapsulating in, 43, 75, 81

mini-, 82

notes, recording for, 61

objections or alternatives to, 70

planning and assembling, 63—64, 73—74

and questions, 11, 17—22, 41, 65

relevance of, 61, 65, 72—73

for research, 21—22, 63—64

and surprises, 37—38

thinking about, 17—22

verbs for, 95

See also answers; questions; topics; warrants

art, resources, 265

Art Abstracts, 51

ARTFL Project (works by French authors), 54

articles, journal

bibliographical entries for, 159, 175—77, 190—92, 205—7

browsing and skimming, 52

citation of sources, 49, 149, 154—55, 159, 165—67

libraries, locating, 51

peer reviewed, 55

See also journals; periodical literature

audience. See readers

bar charts. See charts


alphabetizing, 173, 187, 202, 203

blogs, entries for, 178, 192—93, 208

formatting and styles, 173—82, 252

generally, 52, 147—48, 158—59

letters, entries for, 196, 211

poems, entries for, 181, 196, 211

publication facts, 175, 189, 203, 204

reference works, entries for, 177—78, 192, 207—8

samples, 181—82, 196—97, 211—12

short stories, entries for, 181, 196, 211

websites, entries for, 178, 192—93, 208

block, writer's. See writer's block

block quotations (quotes). See quotations and quoting


bibliographical entries for, 178, 192—93, 208

citation of sources, 168—69

See also websites


bibliographical entries for, 159, 179—81, 194—96, 209—11

browsing and skimming, 52

citation of sources, 49, 149, 150—53, 159, 170—72

libraries, locating in, 51

Booth, Wayne C., xiii

bubble charts, 113

business, resources, 268

capitalization, of titles, 163, 172, 174—75, 189, 204, 242—43, 244


area charts, 113

bar charts, 105—6, 110—11, 112, 114

bubble charts, 113

data and rhetorical uses, 112—13

defined, 104, 254

examples, 105—6, 112—13

image charts, 112

pie charts, 112, 114

See also graphics

Chicago Manual of Style, xi

Chicago style, xi, 49, 144, 147, 158—82

bibliographies, 173—82

citation of sources, 160—73

citation of sources

APA style, 199—202

bibliographic data, 49, 148—57

for blogs, 168—69

Chicago style, 160—73

for evidence, 67

generally, xi, 143—44, 145—57

for ideas not your own, 102—3

MLA style, 184—87

numbered notes, 161

page numbers, 164—65

parenthetical references, 162, 184—86, 199—202

for poems, 172

primary, 47

principles, 99—100

publication facts, 164

for quotations, 100—101

recording fully and accurately, 49—50

for reference works, 168

secondary sources, 47, 172—73

shortened notes, 161—62

for short stories, 172

styles, generally, 49, 146—48

tertiary sources, 172—73

for websites, 168—69

what to include, 148

when and how to add, 145—46, 160—61, 184—87, 199—202

See also endnotes; footnotes; sources


as answers to questions, 79

for arguments, 18—19, 20—21, 65—68

defined, 254, 255

evaluating, 66—67

and hypotheses, 66

and problem statements, 66

revising, 115—16

stating, 124—25

terminology for, 66

verbs for, 95

See also answers


defined, 254, 255

punctuation, 228—30, 232—33, 233—35

Colomb, Gregory G., xi, xiv

communications, resources, 268—69


final, 119, 126—27

first drafts, 87—88

key concepts and terms, 80

oral reports, 87—88

revising, 115—16

significance in, 126—27

See also summaries and summarizing

Craft of Research, The, ix, xiii

curiosity, and topic selection, 30

data and facts

defined, 254

gathering, 111

database resources, 51, 259, 260—62. See also Internet databases

deadlines, 9. See also time


bibliographical entries for, 177—78, 192, 207

citation of sources, 168

for spelling basics, 215—16


cause and effect, 35—36

creative, 34—36

and surprise, 29

and topic selection, 31, 34—36

value of, 29

See also agreement

drafts and drafting

coherence, 116—17

comfort levels, 83

hard copy, revisions, 70, 109

new directions, being open to, 84—85

positive suggestions, 84

productive habits, developing, 85—86

reading aloud, 136

revising, 115—18

surprises and changes, 84—85

teachers' comments and advice, 118

See also first drafts

economics, resources, 269

education, resources, 269—70

electronic sources. See Internet databases; online sources

elevator stories, for encapsulating arguments, 43, 75, 81


bibliographical entries for, 177—78, 192, 208

citation of sources, 168


formatting, 252

numbered notes, 161

See also citation of sources; footnotes


and acknowledgments and responses, 82

appropriate amount, 45—46

for arguments, 18—19, 20—21, 43, 65, 67—68

citation of sources, 67

defined, 255

explanations of, 82

factual, 67

for first drafts, 82

in graphics, 104—14

primary, 43, 45, 46

secondary, 45

tertiary, 45

facts. See data and facts


defined, 104, 255

designing, 107—14

evidence, presenting in, 104—14

examples, 105—6, 108—9, 111

See also graphics

first drafts

conclusions, 87—88

evidence, sketching, 82

introductions, 77—79, 87—88

key terms and concepts, 179—81

leftover research, saving, 82

notes and note taking, 87, 88

planning, 75—76

quick tips, 42, 82

readers' needs, meeting, 76—82

See also drafts and drafting

flexibility, 22


formatting and style, 186—87, 202, 252

numbered notes, 161

See also citation of sources; endnotes

formatting, generally, 251—52. See also style

geography, resources, 270

glossary, of grammatical terms, 253—57

grades and grading, 139—40

grammar, glossary of terms, 253—57. See also sentences; specific part(s) of speech


choosing, 104—7

defined, 255

evidence, presenting, 104—14

forms and uses, 112—13

intention, 105—7

introductions and labels, 107—9

resources, print, 259, 264

simplicity, 106—7, 109

software, cautions, 106—7

terminology, 104

See also charts; figures; graphs; tables


data and rhetorical uses, 113

defined, 104, 255

examples, 106, 113

line graphs, 105—6, 113, 114

See also graphics

habits, writing, 24—25, 85—86

Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (MLA), 184

hard copy, for revisions, 70, 109

headers and headings, 240, 251

histograms, 112

Historical Abstracts, 51

history, resources, 265


citation style (Chicago), 49

resources, Internet, 259, 261

resources, print, 259, 264—67

hyphenated words, rules and style, 220—25

hypotheses, working

and claims, 66

deciding on, 40—41

defined, 255

stating, 42


citation of sources, 102—3

as reasons, 67

sharing with friends, 38

illustrations. See graphics

image charts, 112

independent clauses

defined, 255

punctuation, 228—30

instructors. See teachers

interlibrary loan, 51

Internet databases

general, 259, 260—61

humanities, 259, 261

natural sciences, 259, 262

social sciences, 259, 261—62

See also online sources; specific database(s)


to acknowledgments and responses, 71—72

claims, revising as answers to questions, 79

current situation, stating, 77—78

dramatic patterns, 121

final, 119—26

in first drafts, 77—79, 87—88

four-point scheme (parts) for, 77, 125

key concepts and terms, 80

for oral reports, 87—88

and problem statements, 78

for quotations and paraphrases, 94—96, 97—98

research questions, 78—79

revising, 115—16

to sections and subsections, 82

introductory overviews, tertiary sources, 48

italics, titles, 164, 243—45

journalism, resources, 268—69

journals, 52. See also articles, journal; periodical literature

JSTOR, citations, 167, 177, 191, 205, 206

judgments, verbs for, 96

leftover research, saving, 82

letters, bibliographical entries for, 196, 211

libraries and librarians, 50—51, 52

Library of Congress call numbers, 50

line graphs. See graphs

lists and series, punctuation, 235—38

literary studies

citation style (MLA), 49

resources, 265—66

literature, quoting, 97—98

literature reviews, 122


explaining, 20—21

and warrants, 20—21

See also reasons

magazines. See articles, journal; journals; periodical literature

Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, A (Turabian), ix, xiii, 159

media studies, resources, 268—69

Merriam-Webster's Biographical Dictionary, 216

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 215—16

Merriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary, 216

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 184

MLA (Modern Language Association) style, xi, 49, 144, 147, 183—97

citation of sources, 184—87

works cited, 183, 187—97

music, resources, 266


in bibliographies, 173—74, 188, 203

citation of sources, 92—93, 163

proper, 245—47

style in text, 245—47

natural sciences

resources, Internet, 259, 262

resources, print, 260, 273

newspapers. See articles, journal; journals; periodical literature

notes. See citation of sources; endnotes; footnotes

notes and note taking

for answers, 61

for arguments, 61

for first drafts, 87, 88

importance of, 100

keywords for sorting, 60

for oral reports, 87

and outlines, 87, 88

for questions, 61

quotations in, 58

recategorizing and resorting, 61—62

sources, 58—60

templates for, 57—58

numbers, rules and style, 247—50

online sources

bibliographic data, recording, 50

reliability, evaluating, 54

retrieval statements for, 205

See also blogs; Internet databases; sources; websites

opinions, verbs for, 95—96

oral reports, preparing, 87—88, 127—28


first drafts, notes, 87, 88

oral reports, 88

storyboards, 76—77

overviews, introductory, tertiary sources, 48

panic, managing moments of, 62

paragraphs, drafts, revising, 118


creating, 91—93

drafts, revising, 118

generally, 89—90

introducing, 94—96

vs. plagiarizing, 101—2

and quotations, mixing, 96—97

safe and careful, 101—2

sources, 60—61

verbs for, 95—96

See also quotations and quoting

parts of speech. See grammar; sentences; specific part(s) of speech

periodical literature, searching guides to, 51

periodicals. See articles, journal; journals

Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 54

philosophy, resources, 267

pie charts, 112, 114

plagiarism, 99—103

plurals, rules and style, 216—18


bibliographical entries for, 181, 196, 211

citation of sources, 172

political science, resources, 270—71


defined, 256

rules and style, 218—20

print resources

general, 259, 262—63

graphics, 259, 264

humanities, 259, 264—67

natural sciences, 260, 273

social sciences, 259—60, 267—72

problem statements

and claims, 66

introductions, 78

procrastination, avoiding, 85—86, 86—87


personal, defined, 256

relative, defined, 256

in sentences, revising, 135—36

ProQuest database, 51

psychology, resources, 271

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 198—99

punctuation, guidelines, 226—41. See also specific mark(s) of punctuation


and answers/arguments, 11, 17—22, 41, 65

answers to readers', 18—21

arguing for, 41, 65

asking your own, 32—33

borrowing, 33

conceptual, 15, 16—17

evaluating, 38—39

finding, 26—27

introductions, rephrasing in, 78—79

notes and note taking for, 61

positive and negative, 33

practical, 15

significance of, explaining, 77, 78—79

in sources, 34—38

speculative, 33

stating, 42

thinking about, 11—14, 17—22

and topics, 13—14, 27—28, 32—33, 34—38

and topics + significance (TQS), 13, 15

worthy, 12, 13, 38

See also answers; arguments; topics

quick tips

answers, writing out, 40

citations, ideas, 102—3

citations, names, 92—93

citations, recording, 50

disagreements, value of, 29

drafts, reading aloud, 136

drafts, revising, 115, 118

first drafts, 42, 82

graphics, 114

ideas, citing, 102—3

introductions, 125

journals, evaluating quality of, 52

literature reviews, 122

names, citing, 92—93

paragraphs, revising, 118

paraphrasing, 102

questions, evaluating, 39

questions, and topics, 27

secondary sources, 48

storyboards, 42

surprise, value of, 29

topics, choosing, 29

topics, and questions, 27

writers' block, getting unstuck, 86—87

quotation marks, 164, 243—45

quotations and quoting

adding to text, 93—94

block, 93, 100, 103, 185, 200, 251

citation of sources, 100—101

complex, interpreting, 97—98, 101

generally, 89—90

introducing, 94—96, 97—98

in notes, recording, 58

and paraphrasing, mixing, 96—97

punctuation, 238—40

in summaries, 96—97

verbs for, 95—96

See also paraphrasing


acknowledging and responding to, 19—20, 22, 68—72, 82, 253

as allies, not opponents, 17—18

arguments as answers to questions, 18—21, 64—65, 68—73, 79

conversations with, 23—24, 68, 84

convincing, 22—23

research problems, importance to, 12

surrogate, 24

as targets, writing for, 64

Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, 51


for arguments, 18—19, 20—21, 43, 65, 67—68, 72—73

defined, 256

as ideas, 67

logical, 67

and sections, ordering, 81

stating, 42

and warrants, 72—73

See also logic

reference librarians, 50—51

reference lists, 198, 202—12. See also bibliographies

reference works. See resources

relativism, 142


of arguments, 61, 65, 72—73

of sources, 52—55

of summaries, 90—91

and warrants, 72—73

religion, resources, 271

research and research projects

general goals, 26

importance of, ix

key concepts and terms, 79—80

learning to do, 3—4

by professionals, 2—3

spirit of, 141—42

stages in starting and completing, 7

students' ability to do, ix, 3—4

thinking about, 11—14

who does, 1—2

in workplace, 3

research problem, importance to readers, 12

resources (for finding sources)

bibliographical entries for, 177—78, 192, 207—8

citation of sources, 168

general, 259, 262—63

graphics, 259, 264

humanities, 259, 261, 264—67

natural sciences, 259, 260, 262, 273

social sciences, 259—60, 261—62, 267—72

See also sources; specific resource(s)

revisions and revising. See drafts and drafting

Rhetoric Society of America, 54

scatter plots, 113

sciences. See natural sciences; political science; social sciences

secondary sources, 45, 46—48, 52, 172—73

sections and subsections

introductions in first drafts, 82

key concepts and terms, 80—81

mini sub-arguments in, 82

and reasons, ordering, 81


introductory, 97—98, 230—32

principles for clarity, 130

punctuation, 227—28

revising, 129—38

TQS, 13, 15

See also grammar; specific part(s) of speech

series and lists, punctuation, 235—38

short stories

bibliographical entries for, 181, 196, 211

citation of sources, 172

significance, 13, 14, 15

in conclusions, 126—27

of questions for introductions, 77, 78—79

social sciences

citation style for qualitative (Chicago), 49

citation style for quantitative (APA), 49

resources, Internet, 259, 261—62

resources, print, 259—60, 267—72

sociology, resources, 272


engaging, 56

finding useful, 44

knowing what kinds you need, 44—48

library quality, 53—54, 54—55

in notes, 58—60

primary, 43, 45, 46

questions in, 34—38

reading generally and critically, 56

relevance and reliability, evaluating, 52—55

searching for systematically, 50—52

secondary, 45, 46—48, 52, 172—73

specialized reference works, skimming, 51

tertiary, 45, 48, 172—73

topics and questions, finding in, 34—38

See also citation of sources; online sources; resources; specific source(s)


basics, 215—16

titles, 242


for answers, planning, 41—43

for arguments, assembling, 74

and conclusions, 80

defined, 41

and introductions, 80

key concepts and terms, 80

and outlines, 76—77

and sections, 82

style, generally, xi, 213. See also formatting

summaries and summarizing

fair and relevant, creating, 90—91

generally, 89—90

of information in sources, 60—61, 90—91

quotations and paraphrases in, 96—97

See also conclusions

superscript numbers, 147, 158, 161


and arguments, 37—38

and changes, being open to, 84—85

and disagreements, 29

being open to, 84—85

in first drafts, being open to, 84—85

looking for, 37—38

and topic selection, 29, 37—38

value of, 29


defined, 104, 105, 256

designing, 107—14

evidence, presenting in, 104—14

examples, 105, 107—8, 109—10, 112—13

See also graphics

teachers, 18, 29—30, 64, 118, 139—40

tertiary sources, 45, 48, 172—73

themes, defined, 256

time, planning, 24—25. See also deadlines

title pages, formatting, 251


in bibliographies, 174—75, 189, 204

capitalization, 163, 172, 174—75, 189, 204, 242—43, 244

citation of sources, 163—64

italics, 164, 243—45

punctuation, 240

of research paper, 127, 251

spelling, 242

in text, style, 242—45


assigned, working with, 29—30

choosing, 28—32

and curiosity, 30

in disagreements, 31, 34—36

managing and focusing, 31—32

personal interests, based on, 30—31

and questions, 13—14, 27—28, 32—33, 34—38

and questions + significance (TQS), 13, 15

secondary sources to learn about, 46—48

sharing, 38

in sources, 34—38

and surprises, 29, 37—38

See also arguments; questions

TQS sentence, 13, 15

Turabian, Kate L., ix, xiii, 159

Turabian style. See Chicago style

University of Chicago Press style. See Chicago style


active, defined, 253

all-purpose, 95

for argued claims, 95

defined, 257

for judgments, 96

for opinions, 95—96

for quotations and paraphrases, 95—96

in sentences, revising, 132—33, 134—35

transitive, defined, 256—57

visual representations. See graphics

warrants, for arguments

defined, 257

and logic, 20—21

and reasons, 72—73

and relevance, 72—73

use of, 73


bibliographical entries for, 178, 192—93, 208

citation of sources, 168—69

See also blogs

Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 215—16

Wikipedia, 31—32

Williams, Joseph M. ( Joe), xi, xiii

women's studies, resources, 272

working hypotheses. See hypotheses, working

working in groups

arguments, objections or alternatives to, 70

drafts, revising, 116

elevator stories, telling and retelling, 43

misunderstandings as context, 123

positive feedback, 84

surrogate readers, finding, 24

topics and ideas, sharing with friends, 38

writing groups, organizing, 75

works cited, 183, 187—97. See also bibliographies

works consulted, 183

writer's block, 86—87, 90

writing groups, organizing, 75

writing habits, 24—25

zip codes, 249