Performance appraisals - Common forms of business writing

HBR Guide to Better Business Writing - Bryan A. Garner 2013

Performance appraisals
Common forms of business writing

Writing performance appraisals, sometimes called employee reviews, needn’t be a dreaded responsibility. As long as you have gathered your facts in advance—reviewed the notes you’ve taken throughout the year, asked others for feedback on the people you supervise, and carefully read people’s self-assessments—the drafting isn’t onerous if you have an ample evaluative vocabulary. I’ve written this chapter so you’ll have some helpful phrases at the ready.

The sample phrases that follow address seven aspects of work: attitude, efficiency, human relations, judgment, knowledge, reliability, and communication skills. But you can adapt the wording to suit whatever qualities you’d like to focus on. Then it’s a matter of pairing the phrases with specifics that support them. For example: “When we had several layoffs last June, Lauren remained utterly calm and collected while demonstrating keen sensitivity to those who lost their jobs. She [fill in whatever particular action was noteworthy].”



✵ shows unwavering commitment

✵ always gives maximal effort

✵ is always friendly and happy to help

✵ always brings out the best in others


✵ shows strong commitment

✵ usually makes a strong effort

✵ is usually friendly and happy to help

✵ usually brings out the best in others


✵ shows adequate commitment

✵ makes an effort

✵ is often friendly and happy to help

✵ is often a positive influence on the group

Needs Improvement

✵ could show more commitment

✵ doesn’t always make an effort

✵ is sometimes quarrelsome

✵ sometimes creates tension within the group


✵ lacks commitment

✵ rarely makes a real effort

✵ is quarrelsome and sometimes even hostile

✵ often creates tension within the group



✵ never wastes time or effort

✵ delegates effectively

✵ always completes tasks on time

✵ can manage many projects at a time


✵ rarely wastes time or effort

✵ usually delegates appropriately

✵ almost always completes tasks on time

✵ can manage several projects at a time


✵ usually doesn’t waste time or effort

✵ delegates pretty well

✵ usually completes tasks on time

✵ can manage more than one project at a time

Needs Improvement

✵ sometimes wastes time and effort

✵ tries to do too much without delegating

✵ fails to complete tasks on time

✵ cannot manage more than one project at a time


✵ often wastes time and effort

✵ usually fails to delegate when appropriate

✵ can’t be counted on to complete tasks on time

✵ struggles to manage even one project at a time

Human relations


✵ demonstrates keen sensitivity to others and an uncanny ability to understand their needs

✵ participates actively and collegially in meetings

✵ works exceptionally well on teams

✵ relates to customers extremely well


✵ usually demonstrates sensitivity to others

✵ participates effectively in meetings

✵ works effectively on teams

✵ relates to customers well


✵ often demonstrates sensitivity to others

✵ participates adequately in meetings

✵ gets along with fellow team members

✵ relates to customers competently

Needs Improvement

✵ does not always pick up on interpersonal cues

✵ sometimes wastes others’ time in meetings

✵ is sometimes motivated more by personal goals than by team goals

✵ sometimes alienates customers through inattention


✵ rarely pays attention to others’ reactions

✵ often wastes others’ time in meetings

✵ does not work well on teams

✵ often alienates customers with impoliteness and sarcasm



✵ makes excellent choices and informed decisions

✵ remains utterly calm and collected even in times of crisis

✵ knows precisely which problems need immediate attention and which ones can wait

✵ behaves professionally and appropriately in every situation


✵ makes sound choices and reasonable decisions

✵ remains relatively calm and collected even in times of crisis

✵ generally knows which problems need immediate attention and which ones can wait

✵ behaves professionally and appropriately


✵ generally makes sound choices and informed decisions

✵ remains mostly calm and collected except in times of crisis

✵ does a pretty good job distinguishing between problems that need immediate attention and those that can wait

✵ generally behaves professionally and appropriately

Needs Improvement

✵ sometimes makes poor choices and ill-informed decisions

✵ sometimes lacks the calm and collected demeanor required in high-pressure circumstances

✵ often doesn’t distinguish between problems that need immediate attention and those that can wait

✵ sometimes behaves unprofessionally and inappropriately


✵ often makes poor choices and ill-informed decisions

✵ often lacks the calm and collected demeanor required in high-pressure circumstances

✵ typically fails to distinguish between problems that need immediate attention and those that can wait

✵ often behaves unprofessionally and inappropriately



✵ is exceptionally well informed about all aspects of the job

✵ demonstrates extraordinarily comprehensive knowledge

✵ skillfully handles complex assignments without supervision

✵ has a comprehensive knowledge of the industry


✵ is well informed about key aspects of the job

✵ demonstrates thorough knowledge

✵ can handle complex assignments with some supervision

✵ has strong knowledge of the industry


✵ understands the job

✵ demonstrates adequate knowledge

✵ can handle moderately complex assignments with supervision

✵ has an acceptable degree of knowledge of the industry

Needs Improvement

✵ doesn’t fully understand the job

✵ demonstrates less than satisfactory knowledge

✵ sometimes mishandles assignments of moderate complexity, even with supervision

✵ has insufficient knowledge of the industry


✵ is ill-informed about many aspects of the job

✵ demonstrates inadequate knowledge

✵ mishandles basic assignments

✵ has little knowledge of the industry



✵ always meets deadlines

✵ is unfailingly dependable

✵ achieves excellent results in urgent situations

✵ always delivers on promises


✵ meets deadlines

✵ is highly dependable

✵ achieves good results in urgent situations

✵ almost always delivers on promises


✵ meets most deadlines

✵ is dependable

✵ achieves acceptable results in urgent situations

✵ delivers pretty consistently on promises

Needs Improvement

✵ sometimes fails to meet important deadlines

✵ is sometimes undependable

✵ sometimes fails to achieve acceptable results in urgent situations

✵ sometimes fails to deliver on promises


✵ often fails to meet important deadlines

✵ is rarely dependable

✵ often fails to achieve acceptable results in urgent situations

✵ can’t be counted on to deliver on promises

Communication skills


✵ writes and speaks with remarkable clarity

✵ never gets bogged down in unnecessary details

✵ has superior communication skills in person and over the phone

✵ develops and delivers imaginative, clear, and concise presentations


✵ writes and speaks clearly

✵ rarely gets bogged down in unnecessary details

✵ has sound communication skills in person and over the phone

✵ develops and delivers clear, concise presentations


✵ generally writes and speaks clearly

✵ usually avoids getting bogged down in unnecessary details

✵ has adequate communication skills in person and over the phone

✵ develops and delivers acceptable presentations

Needs Improvement

✵ sometimes writes and speaks unclearly and with undue complexity

✵ sometimes gets bogged down in unnecessary details

✵ sometimes struggles to communicate in person and over the phone

✵ develops and delivers presentations in need of further work and polish


✵ writes and speaks unclearly and with undue complexity

✵ gets bogged down in unnecessary details

✵ fails to communicate effectively in person and over the phone

✵ develops and delivers presentations that ramble and lack clarity


Prepare by gathering your facts in advance: Keep performance notes throughout the year and review them before writing. Ask other colleagues for feedback on those you’re evaluating. Carefully review the employees’ self-assessments.

Use the sample phrases provided here to help articulate your impressions.

Always pair your general statements with specific examples that support them.