Restate your question as something not known or fully understood - Writing your final introduction and conclusion - Part I. Research and writing: from planning to production

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations, 7th edition - Kate L. Turabian 2007

Restate your question as something not known or fully understood
Writing your final introduction and conclusion
Part I. Research and writing: from planning to production

After the opening context, state what that prior research hasn't done or how it's incomplete, even wrong. Introduce that qualification or contradiction with but, however, or some other term indicating that you're about to modify the received knowledge and understanding that you just surveyed:

Ever since Girolamo Cardano . . . mathematical perspective.contextBut risk communicators have discovered that ordinary people think about risk in ways that are irrational and unrelated to statistically realistic probabilities. What is not understood is whether such nonexpert risk assessment is based on random guesses or whether it has systematic properties.question restated