Facts of publication - Notes-bibliography style: citing specific types of sources - Part II. Source Citation

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations, 7th edition - Kate L. Turabian 2007

Facts of publication
Notes-bibliography style: citing specific types of sources
Part II. Source Citation

The facts of publication usually include three elements: the place (city) of publication, the publisher's name, and the date (year) of publication. In notes, these elements are enclosed in parentheses; in bibliography entries, they are not.

N: 1. Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1997), 47.

B: Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1997.

For books published before the twentieth century, or for which the information does not appear within the work, you may omit publishers' names as well as places of publication.

N: 32. Charles Lamb, Essays of Elia (1823), 5—6.

B: Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia. 1823.

PLACE OF PUBLICATION. The place of publication is the city where the publisher's main editorial offices are located; it normally appears on the title page, but sometimes on the copyright page. Where two or more cities are given (“Chicago and London,” for example), include only the first.

Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Trust Publications

New York: Columbia University Press

If the city of publication might be unknown to readers or confused with another city of the same name, add the abbreviation of the state (see 24.3.1), province, or (if necessary) country. When the publisher's name includes the state name, no state abbreviation is needed.

Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press

Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin Books

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press

Use current, commonly used English names for foreign cities.

Belgrade (not Beograd)

Milan (not Milano)

When the place of publication is not known, you may use the abbreviation n.p. in a note (or N.p. in a bibliography entry) before the publisher's name. If the place can be surmised, include it with a question mark, in brackets.

(n.p.: Windsor, 1910)

[Lake Bluff, IL?]: Vliet & Edwards, 1890

PUBLISHER'S NAME. Give the publisher's name for each book exactly as it appears on the title page, even if you know that the name has since changed or is printed differently in different books in your bibliography.

Harcourt Brace and World

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich

Harcourt, Brace

To save space, however, you may omit an initial The and such abbreviations as Inc., Ltd., S.A., Co., & Co., and Publishing Co.

University of Texas Press

instead of

The University of Texas Press

Houghton Mifflin

instead of

Houghton Mifflin Co.

Little, Brown

instead of

Little, Brown & Co.

For foreign publishers, do not translate or abbreviate any part of the publisher's name, but give the city name in its English form (as noted above). When the publisher is unknown, use just the place (if known) and date of publication.

DATE OF PUBLICATION The publication date for a book consists only of a year, not a month or day, and is usually identical to the copyright date. It generally appears on the copyright page and sometimes on the title page.

Revised editions and reprints may include more than one copyright date. In this case, the most recent indicates the publication date—for example, 2003 in the string “© 1982, 1992, 2003.” See 17.1.3 for citing publication dates in such works.

If you cannot determine the publication date of a printed work, use the abbreviation n.d. in place of the year. If no date is provided but you believe you know it, you may add it in brackets, with a question mark to indicate uncertainty.

B: Smith, John. A Book of Virtues. Edinburgh, n.d.

Miller, Samuel. Another Book of Virtues. Boston, [1750?].

If a book is under contract with a publisher and is already titled, but the date of publication is not yet known, use forthcoming in place of the date. Treat any book not yet under contract as an unpublished manuscript (see 17.6).

N: 91. Jane Q. Author, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher's Name, forthcoming).