Abstracts - Parenthetical citations–reference list style: citing specific types of sources - Part II. Source Citation

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations, 7th edition - Kate L. Turabian 2007

Parenthetical citations–reference list style: citing specific types of sources
Part II. Source Citation

Abstracts of journal articles, conference proceedings, dissertations, and so forth may appear along with the work being abstracted or in special publications (usually journals) that consist entirely of abstracts.

Include the full citation of the work being abstracted. If the abstract appears next to the work itself, insert the word abstract within the citation, following the title. If the abstract appears in a different publication, insert the words Abstract in following the initial citation, and then cite the location of the abstract. Use the date of the work itself, not the abstract, following the author's name.

R: Luders, Joseph. 2006. The economics of movement success: Business responses to civil rights mobilization. Abstract. American Journal of Sociology 111, no. 4 (January): 963.

Albin, Cecilia. 2003. Negotiating international cooperation: Global public goods and fairness. Review of International Studies 29 (July): 365—85. Abstract in Peace Research Abstracts Journal 42, publ. nr. 236625 (February 2005): 6.