Other types of names - Names, special terms, and titles of works - Part III. Style 20 spelling

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations, 7th edition - Kate L. Turabian 2007

Other types of names
Names, special terms, and titles of works
Part III. Style 20 spelling

Other types of names also follow specific patterns for capitalization, and some require italics.

Academic courses and subjects. Capitalize the names of specific courses but not of general subjects or fields of study, except for the names of languages.

Introduction to Asian Art

art history

Topics in Victorian Literature

English literature

Acts, treaties, and government programs. Capitalize the formal or accepted titles of acts, treaties, government programs, and similar documents or entities, but lowercase informal or generic titles.

the United States (or U.S.) Constitution

the due process clause

the Treaty of Versailles

the treaty

Head Start

Brand names. Capitalize the brand names of products, but do not use the symbols ¯ or ™ after the names. Unless you are discussing a specific product, however, use a generic term instead of a brand name.





Electronic technology. Capitalize names of computer hardware and software, networks, browsers, systems, and languages as well as shortened forms of these names.

Windows XP

the Internet; the Net

Internet Explorer

the World Wide Web; the Web

Legal cases. Capitalize and italicize the names of legal cases; italicize the v. (versus). You may shorten the case name after a full reference to it. For citations of legal cases, see 17.9.7 and 19.9.7.

First reference

Miranda v. Arizona

United States v. Carlisle

Subsequent references



Ships, aircraft, and other vessels. Capitalize and italicize the names of ships, aircraft, and the like. If the names are preceded by such abbreviations as USS (United States ship) or HMS (Her [or His] Majesty's ship), do not italicize these abbreviations or use the word ship in addition to the name.

USS Constitution

Spirit of St. Louis

HMS Saranac

the space shuttle Endeavor

Plants and animals. For papers in the humanities and social sciences, do not capitalize the names of plants and animals unless they include other proper nouns, such as geographical names. Binomial Latin species names should be italicized, with the genus name capitalized and the species name (or specific epithet) lowercase. The names of phyla, orders, and such should be in roman type. For papers in the sciences, follow the conventions of your discipline.

rhesus monkey

Rocky Mountain sheep

Rosa caroliniana
