Units of measure - Abbreviations - Style

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations, Ninth edition - Kate L. Turabian 2018

Units of measure

In the humanities and social sciences, spell out the names of units of measure such as dimensions, distances, volumes, weights, and degrees. Spell out the numbers or use numerals according to the general rule you are following (see 23.1.1).

✵ five miles

✵ 150 kilograms

✵ 14.5 meters

In the sciences, use standard abbreviations for units of measure when the amount is given in numerals. (You may use abbreviations in other disciplines, depending on your local guidelines.) Leave a space between the numeral and the unit, except where convention dictates otherwise (36°; 10%; see also 23.1.3). Note that abbreviations are the same in singular and plural. Spell out units of measure when they are not preceded by a number or when the number is spelled out (as at the beginning of a sentence; see

We injected 10 μL of virus near the implants.

Results are given in microliters.

Twelve microliters of virus was considered a safe amount.

For a list of abbreviations including common units of measure, see 10.49 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017).