Use adjectives to modify nouns - Choose adjectives and adverbs with care - Grammar

Rules for writers, Tenth edition - Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers 2021

Use adjectives to modify nouns
Choose adjectives and adverbs with care

Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns. They usually come before the word they modify; occasionally they function as complements following the word they modify. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. (See 47d and 47e.)

Many adverbs are formed by adding -ly to adjectives (normal, normally; smooth, smoothly). But don’t assume that all words ending in -ly are adverbs or that all adverbs end in -ly. Some adjectives end in -ly (lovely, friendly), and some adverbs don’t (always, here, there). When in doubt, consult a dictionary.


Placement of adjectives and adverbs can be a challenge for multilingual writers. see 30e and 30g.

26a Use adjectives to modify nouns.

Adjectives ordinarily precede the nouns they modify. But they can also function as subject complements or object complements, following the nouns they modify.


In English, adjectives are not pluralized to agree with the words they modify:



Subject complements

A subject complement follows a linking verb and completes the meaning of the subject. (See 48b.) When an adjective functions as a subject complement, it describes the subject.


Verbs such as smell, taste, look, and feel may be linking verbs. If the word following one of these verbs describes the subject, use an adjective; if the word following the verb modifies the verb, use an adverb.


The detective looked cautious.


The detective looked cautiously for fingerprints.

The adjective cautious describes the detective; the adverb cautiously modifies the verb looked.

Linking verbs suggest states of being, not actions. Notice, for example, the different meanings of looked in the preceding examples. To look cautious suggests the state of being cautious; to look cautiously is to perform an action in a cautious way.



Object complements

An object complement follows a direct object and completes its meaning. (See 48b.) When an adjective functions as an object complement, it describes the direct object.


Object complements occur with verbs such as call, consider, create, find, keep, and make. When a modifier follows the direct object of one of these verbs, use an adjective to describe the direct object; use an adverb to modify the verb.


The referee called the plays perfect.


The referee called the plays perfectly.

The first sentence means that the referee considered the plays to be perfect; the second means that the referee did an excellent job of calling the plays.