Organize ideas with an informal plan - Supporting a thesis - Writing Papers in MLA Style

Rules for writers, Tenth edition - Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers 2021

Organize ideas with an informal plan
Supporting a thesis
Writing Papers in MLA Style

The body of your paper will consist of evidence in support of your thesis. Try sketching an informal plan to focus and organize your ideas. Sophie Harba, for example, used this simple plan to outline the structure of her argument.


✵ Debates about the government’s role in regulating food have a long history in the United States.

✵ Some experts argue that we should focus on the dangers of unhealthy eating habits and on preventing chronic diseases linked to diet.

✵ But food regulations are not a popular solution because many Americans object to government restrictions on personal choice.

✵ Food regulations designed to prevent chronic disease don’t ask Americans to give up their freedom; they ask Americans to see health as a matter of public good.

After you have written a rough draft, a formal outline can help you test and fine-tune the organization of your argument. See 1d to read Harba’s formal outline.

To help organize your ideas, you might want to experiment with graphic organizers before and during the drafting of your paper. A fairly typical way for research writers to proceed is shown here, but of course your own assignment, purpose, audience, argument, and sources will determine the most effective way to organize and develop your paper.
