Select words with appropriate connotations - Find the exact words - Clarity

Rules for writers, Tenth edition - Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers 2021

Select words with appropriate connotations
Find the exact words

Two reference works (or their online equivalents) will help you find words to express your meaning exactly: a good dictionary, such as The American Heritage Dictionary or Merriam-Webster online, and a collection of synonyms and antonyms, such as Roget’s International Thesaurus.

NOTE: Do not turn to a thesaurus in search of impressive words. Look for words that express your meaning exactly.

18a Select words with appropriate connotations.

In addition to their strict dictionary meanings (or denotations), words have connotations, emotional colorings that affect how readers respond to them. The word steel denotes “commercial iron that contains carbon,” but it also calls up images associated with steel. These associations give the word its connotations — cold, hard, smooth, unbending.

If the connotation of a word does not seem appropriate for your purpose, your audience, or your subject matter, you should change the word. When a more appropriate synonym does not come quickly to mind, consult a dictionary or a thesaurus.




Use a dictionary and a thesaurus to find at least four synonyms for each of the following words. Be prepared to explain any slight differences in meaning.

1. decay (verb)

2. difficult (adjective)

3. hurry (verb)

4. pleasure (noun)

5. secret (adjective)

6. talent (noun)