7 Steps to Better Writing - Charles Maxwell 2020
Visual appearance
Step 7 – Proof
Each document should provide a consistent and pleasing look. Pay attention to the following features.
Line justification
Ensure that vertical and horizontal line justification is consistent. Left justification is best for most business writing. Aligning material to both left and right margins generally is reserved for highly formal publications.
Headers and footers
Ensure that headers and footers are consistent, appealing, and provide information to help your readers.
Footnotes and endnotes
Be consistent with footnotes and endnotes. Commonly used standards include:
· AMA Manual of Style, www.amamanualofstyle.com (subscription required)
· Chicago Manual of Style, www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/ (subscription required), examples are at: write-site.athabascau.ca/example-footnotes-chicago.php
· Oxford Guide to Style, (free download) b-ok.cc/book/734690/6f0a3a, replaced by New Hart’s Rules, global.oup.com/academic/product/new-harts-rules-9780199570027
· US Government Printing Office Style Manual, chapter 15, www.govinfo.gov/app/details/GPO-STYLEMANUAL-2016
Line breaks
Prevent lines of text from breaking in the wrong place. For instance, numerical values and their units should stay connected and not break across two lines. Examples: 3 meters, 5 feet, 104 degrees. If two elements like this want to break across two lines, you can force them to stay together by replacing a normal space with the no-break space character. To obtain this special character do one of the following:
· Select the no-break-space symbol from a list of special characters (such as with Microsoft Word at: /Insert/ Symbols/ More Symbols/ Special Characters/)
· When using Microsoft Word, simultaneously type the control, shift, and space keys
· Enter 0160 on the numeric keypad while holding down the Alt key
In a similar fashion, prevent hyphens that tie numbers to units from breaking across two lines. Examples: 100-kph speed zone, 10-pound hammer. To prevent a line break after the hyphen, use the no-break hyphen character. To obtain this special character:
· Select the no-break-hyphen symbol from a list of special characters
· When using Microsoft Word, simultaneously type the control, shift, and hyphen keys
· Enter 8209 on the numeric keypad while pressing the Alt key