Success in Academic Writing - Trevor Day 2018
Where to get help
Building on Success
This book, and the further reading referred to in it (some of which is online), are good starting points. In addition, there are many people and services at your university to help:
✵The lecturers, tutors and other staff on your degree programme, and especially those who set or mark your assignments, are perhaps the first port of call.
✵Learning development staff and writing tutors.
✵Library or resource centre staff.
✵If English is not your first language, your university may have an English language centre, international student centre or similar, with staff who can help you.
✵If you have a specific learning challenge, such as dyslexia, there are learning skills advisors who come from services with titles such as ’widening participation’, or ’learning support’.
✵There are likely to be various kinds of online learning support, whether provided by a centralised learning or study skills centre, your university library, your faculty or your department.
✵Finally, other students may be among your best sources of help.