Writing for Publication: Transitions and Tools that Support Scholars’ Success - Mary Renck Jalongo, Olivia N. Saracho 2016
From Aspiring Author to Published Scholar
Professional Roles and Publishable Writing
As you approach the task of publishing academic writing, accept that practically everyone has had work rejected at one time or another and, that when it happens to you, it will hurt your pride. Remind yourself that writing is a “plastic art” (Smith, 1994) that can be shaped to your purposes, that you do have the wherewithal to improve as a writer, and that somewhere amongst the thousands of outlets, there is a place where you can publish a well-conceptualized and carefully prepared manuscript. With writing, as with physical exercise, there are some who can never seem to “find the time” to do it, some who do the minimum, others who make it part of the daily routine, and still others who are positively addicted to it. Instead of assuming that widely published authors write with ease, realize that they are comparable to athletes who compete in the Olympics; they have trained extensively, built endurance, worked with expert coaches, and learned the rules of the game. When the challenges of writing for publication are under discussion, people are much more curious about possible shortcuts to fame and fortune rather than the drudgery part, just as most people are more interested in seeing the gold, silver, and bronze medals awarded to Olympians than to watch athletes’ practice sessions. Expect that you can become a successful author, but, as the Latin motto on the gates of the Govan Shipyard in Scotland so succinctly states, Non sine labore—not without effort.
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