Writing for Publication: Transitions and Tools that Support Scholars’ Success - Mary Renck Jalongo, Olivia N. Saracho 2016
From Trepidation to a First Draft
Professional Roles and Publishable Writing
When academic authors first begin attempting to publish their work, much of it may be rejected, not because it is irredeemably flawed but because they are uniformed or misinformed about the process of writing for scholarly publication. A prolific and widely published author once joked that, during his first 3 years as a university faculty member, it would have been possible to cover the walls of his office with rejection letters from publishers. After decades of reading, reviewing, writing, and editing, the outcomes are much better and he now jokes that he is “overbooked,” meaning that he has multiple book contracts at any given time. Knowing more about publishing will not make writing for publication easy, guarantee that work is always accepted, or even ensure that everything published is of consistent quality. It is, however, a way to increase chances for success as well as develop a more positive outlook on your responsibility to contribute to your field through published scholarly writing.
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