Writing for Publication: Transitions and Tools that Support Scholars’ Success - Mary Renck Jalongo, Olivia N. Saracho 2016
From Attending to Presenting at Conferences
Conference Proposals and Article Types
There is extensive, cross-disciplinary research to support the assertion that only about 8—10 % of the conference presentations are published as research in peer-reviewed outlets (Joubert and Cronje, 2003; Richling et al., 2014). Given that insufficient time is cited as a major reason for generating few publications, it makes sense for scholars to capitalize on the time already invested in a successful conference presentations and generate publications from them. Rather than allow the positive energy of a highly effective conference session with peers to dissipate and let the data get stale, make a plan for pursuing publication. Figure out the kind and amount of support you will need and start assembling it as, even as you make the trip back home. In fact, gaining insight into what you need in order to progress professionally is a key to success as a scholar. It is this metacognitive approach—the ability to “think about your own thinking”—that holds the greatest promise for improving outcomes. Unlike some jobs, scholars’ careers can be surprisingly long. If you get very comfortable and confident about making conference presentations that surely is to your credit; however, it becomes important to raise expectations for yourself periodically in order to avoid stagnation. The worst in our profession deteriorate into the deadwood of an academic department. They contribute little to their chosen fields, drone on from yellowed lecture notes, suffer from pervasive ennui, fail to engage their students, and have a litany of complaints about their colleagues and institutions. The best way to counteract this decline is to keep intellectual stimulation high and to continually pursue projects that generate enthusiasm and interest. At its very essence, professional development consists of growth and change in positive, hoped-for directions. Pursuing publication based on presentations—a task that so many scholars evidently neglect to complete——is one way to accomplish this.
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