Chapter 12. Friendship - Part III. Relationships

Interactive Vocabulary - Amy E. Olsen 2017

Chapter 12. Friendship
Part III. Relationships

Who Is Out There?



For each set, write the definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs. If you are unsure, return to the reading on page 80, and underline any context clues you find. After you've made your predictions, check your answers against the Word List on page 85. Place a checkmark in the box next to each word whose definition you missed. These are the words you'll want to study closely.

to understand a person's feelings

to record


to provide more information

a supportive method of sharing

Set One

□ 1. queries (line 2) ...

□ 2. networking (line 3) ...

□ 3. elaborate (line 5) ...

□ 4. chronicle (line 6) ...

□ 5. empathize (line 8) ...

Set Two

looking back at the past


showing a desire to harm another


easily fooled

□ 6. retrospect (line 17) ...

□ 7. integrity (line 19) ...

□ 8. malicious (line 20) ...

□ 9. gullible (line 21) ...

□ 10. confidential (line 25) ...


1 Circle the word that best completes each sentence.

1. I've joined a breakfast club to start (networking, integrity) with other business leaders in my community.

2. My professor says I need to (elaborate, empathize) on my ideas for my essays to make a strong point.

3. The letter was supposed to be (malicious, confidential), but somehow everyone in the office found out about its contents.

4. The hotel answered my (retrospect, query) about availability this summer just a few hours after I sent them an e-mail.

5. This book (chronicles, elaborates) how the Roman Empire grew and fell apart.

6. I thought Julio liked Wanda, but he made some (malicious, gullible) comments about her at lunch today.

7. In (retrospect, networking) it wasn't a good idea to eat that fifth slice of pizza.

8. The athlete's (retrospect, integrity) was refreshing; he refused to use any kind of illegal drugs during his whole career.

9. Because of the student's (confidential, gullible) nature, he believed the teacher when she said, "I like it when students come to class unprepared." The next day he felt foolish when he didn't bring his textbook.

10. I (empathize, query) with Opal; I too had a hard time adjusting to college.

2 For each set, match the sentence to the kind of comment or situation it best demonstrates. Use each word once.

Set One






1. "What do you want for dinner?"

2. "I'm sorry to hear about your mother's death. I understand how you feel; my mother passed away last month."

3. "You want more than 'it was a horrible hike.' I'll give you details: the weather was extremely hot—about 100 degrees—I lost the map in the first hour, I sprained my ankle, and we ran out of water by noon."

4. "I can't believe I wore my pajamas to the party. I didn't realize you were joking when you said to wear them."

5. "Henry is always so perfect. I can't stand it. I'm going to have to tell the boss something bad about him, even if I have to make it up."

Set Two

Vocabulary list






6. "In 1850 my great grandparents headed west. After twenty years of working in the California gold mines, they decided to move on to Alaska. My grandmother was born in a cabin during a snow storm."

7. "Fellow cat fanciers, help! I've got a problem. My cat only eats one small can of cat food a day now. He used to eat three. He is getting very skinny. What can I do to get him to eat more?"

8. "Looking back at yesterday's meeting, we should have made a lot more progress."

9. "I'm going to quit this job, but it's still a secret, so don't tell anyone!"

10. "It wouldn't be fair to charge the client for six hours when it only took me three to get the work done."

3 For Set One, match each word with its synonym. For Set Two, match each word with its antonym.


Set One

1. integrity    a. record

2. retrospect    b. reliability

3. networking    c. identify

4. empathize    d. remember

5. chronicle    e. sharing



6. malicious    f. open

7. confidential    g. answer

8. elaborate    h. suspicious

9. query    i. kind

10. gullible     j. simple

4 Use the vocabulary words to complete the following analogies. For instructions, see Completing Analogies on page 6. Use each word once.

Vocabulary list

chronicle  integrity  elaborate  confidential networking

query  retrospect  gullible  malicious  empathize

1. cold : hot :: dishonesty : ...

2. strong wind : downed power lines :: ... : manuscript

3. tap: touch :: complicated : ...

4. snow : white :: a code : ...

5. write : a form :: ... : on a computer

6. slow waiter : anger :: after running into an old friend : ...

7. open a book : read :: meet a friend also going through a divorce : ...

8. simple: complex :: ... : distrustful

9. tire : car :: ... : job interview

10. bashful : shy :: mean : ...


Interactive Version: Pretend two of your friends have posted the photos below on their Facebook pages. Write a comment for each photo using at least three of the vocabulary words in each comment. Feel free to add word endings (i.e., -ed, -ing, or -ly) as needed.





Word Part Reminder

Below are a few exercises to help you review the word parts you have been learning. Fill in the missing word part from the list, and circle the meaning of the word part found in each sentence. Try to complete the questions without returning to the Word Parts chapter, but if you get stuck, look back at Chapter 9.

inter  able  vis   diet

1. I could see the castle in the distance, but, despite its being ...ible, I still had a long way to walk to reach it before nightfall.

2. I had to come between the men; if I hadn't ...vened, one of them would have been seriously hurt.

3. When the jury tells the judge its decision, it gives a ver... .

4. I said I wasn't capable of climbing a mountain, but Rahul said I could do remark ... things if I tried.


Words to Watch

Which words would you like to practice with a bit more? Pick 3-5 words to study, and list them below. Write the word and its definition, and compose your own sentence using the word correctly. This extra practice could be the final touch to learning a word.



Your Sentence




