Chapter 16. Fitness - Part IV. Health

Interactive Vocabulary - Amy E. Olsen 2017

Chapter 16. Fitness
Part IV. Health

A Healthy Body

The Fit You

A healthy body isn't impossible to achieve. First you have to confront what is keeping you from being as healthy as you should be. Today many people lead sedentary lives whether from having a job that keeps them seated all day or spending free time in front of a computer or watching television. Look closely at your life. Are you exercising too little or eating too much? Or some of both?

Getting in shape isn't a fluke; it takes hard work and dedication. But your workouts do not have to be grueling either. Find an activity you like to do, and set up a workout regimen. Put your workouts on your calendar: walk Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Don't let a setback bother you. We are all remiss sometimes. If you get too busy or forget to walk on Wednesday, don't give up. Walk on Friday, and you will be back on schedule.


Some people like activities that involve opposition. If you need to compete with someone, pick a sport like tennis. Having people to play against can keep you training. Make your activity as intense as you can handle. People handle stress differently. Some people like to compete with others, and some don't. Do what makes you happy, so you will keep doing it Also consider participating in sev­eral activities. Most people like variety, so you might try walking a couple days a week, doing yoga two to three times, and throwing in a bike ride on the weekend.


Also watch what you eat as part of your health regimen. Eat a balanced diet and eat in moderation. Learn what an acceptable portion size is for your body's needs. Read labels to see what a portion size is for the can, box, or bag you are about to open. Sometimes the amount may surprise you. Get plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products each day. There are lots of delicious fruits and vegetables out there. Browse the grocery store, and find a fruit and vegetable you have never tried. You may discover a new favorite. How about a mango or blueberries? Kale or okra? By controlling what you eat and maintaining a steady exercise program, you can revive your health and have the body you desire.


For each set, write the definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs. If you are unsure, return to the reading on page 106, and underline any context clues you find. After you've made your predictions, check your answers against the Word List on page I I I. Place a checkmark in the box next to each word whose definition you missed. These are the words you'll want to study closely.

Set One

requiring a lot of sitting

a lucky chance 

to face head on 

a plan

the state of being devoted to a cause       

□ 1. confront (line 2) ...

□ 2. sedentary (line 3) ...

□ 3 fluke (line 8) ...

□ 4. dedication (line 9) ...

□ 5. regimen (line 11) ...

Set Two

to regain health 

avoidance of extremes 

to an extreme degree

careless in meeting one's responsibilities


□ 6. remiss (line 13) ...

□ 7. opposition (line 16) ...

□ 8. intense (line 17) ...

□ 9. moderation (line 23) ...

□ 10. revive (line 34) ...


1 Put a T for true or F for false next to each sentence.

1. When confronted with a problem, it can be a good idea to think about it for a while before making a decision.

2. Dedications in books are often addressed to parents or other family members.

3. Winning the lottery is a fluke.

4. Climbing one of the highest mountains in the world would be a sedentary activity.

5. You would be remiss if it took you two years to write a thank you note.

6. Writing a thousand-page book is an intense experience.

7. A parent and teenager agreeing on the time to come home from a date shows opposition.

8. Eating anything you want shows a strict dietary regimen.

9. Buying ten new outfits every day shows moderation in spending habits.

10. Decorators say that one can revive an old chair with a new coat of paint and a pretty cushion.

2 Finish these imaginary headlines using the vocabulary words. Use each word once.

Vocabulary list

confronts dedication fluke  remiss   revives

intense opposition regimen moderation  sedentary

1. ... to Unhealthy Lunches in Schools Grows

2. Study Reveals Most Americans ... in Eating a Healthy Breakfast

3. Tour De France Stage 10 Update: Frenchman in the Winners Jersey ... Hopes for a French Victory


4. The ... that Wins-Top Athletes Share Training Secrets

5. ... Pressures Lead to Bad Eating Habits

6. Huge Sports ...: Youth Team Beats Last Year's Adult Champs!

7. Health Fair ... Exercise Challenges of the Information Age

8. to Eating Veggies Slims Down Entire Office

9. Gymnast Goes From ... Life to Gold Medal in Two Years

10. ... Key Element in Avoiding Exercise Burnout

3 In each group, circle the word that does not have a connection to the other three words.

1. renew  revive   restore  destroy

2. discipline uncontrolled plan   regimen

3. intense  strong   extreme  weak

4. lucky  fluke   misfortune  accident

5. lively  sitting   sedentary  inactive

6. opposition cooperation competition resistance

7. commitment dedication  devotion  avoidance

8. mild  limit   extreme  moderation

9. retreat  face   confront  brave

10. remiss  diligent  careless  slow

4 For each set, replace the underlined synonym or definition with the correct vocabulary word. Use each word once.

Set One

Vocabulary list

revive dedication  fluke  sedentary regimen

1. "I write down what I eat every day, and I go to the gym four days a week. I really feel healthier now that I am following this plan."

2. "In the winter I am so inactive that I put on weight."

3. "Welcome to the opening of Lewiston Hall, which honors one of the first graduates of this university."

4. "What a lucky_chance. You didn't study for the test, and Professor Perez was absent. I heard that he hasn't missed a day in the last seven years."

5. "We were able to bring the man back to life by administering CPR."

Set Two

Vocabulary list

moderation remiss intense  opposition  confront

6. "The other challengers should be here soon, but I understand they won't be hard to beat."

7. "Don't force the stretch; control is the key to yoga. Try to avoid extremes."

8. "I need to face my problem: I am a chocoholic."

9. "Because Drew was careless in getting the copies made, we didn't have any fliers to hand out to announce next week's big rummage sale."

10. "I don't play against him. His desire to win is too extreme for me."


Interactive Version: Use the photos to inspire you to think of fun and delicious ways to incorporate exer­cise and healthy eating into one's life. Write a short, upbeat paragraph encouraging people to take care of themselves. Use at least five of the vocabulary words in your paragraph.



Context Clue Mini-Lesson 4

This lesson uses examples to explain the unknown word. The examples may consist of one illustration of the word or be a list of items. In the paragraph below, circle the examples you find that clarify the mean­ing of the underlined words. Then use the examples to write your own definitions on the lines next to the words that follow the paragraph.

Last month my mother and I had an altercation at the library when I learned that she had called my boyfriend to tell him where to take me to dinner. We were asked to leave because we were yelling so loudly. Two weeks ago I came home to another obtrusive action on my mother's part. She had rear­ranged the clothes in my closet and drawers into what she considered the best method. It was the final straw; I decided to move out. My mother tried to redress her wrongs by buying me a new outfit and shoes, but it wasn't enough. It is hard to describe the elation I felt when I moved into my own place, but I will say I was smiling, humming, and dancing about nightly for a month.

Your Definition

1. Altercation ...

2. Obtrusive ...

3. Redress ...

4. Elation ...


Words to Watch

Which words would you like to practice with a bit more? Pick 3-5 words to study, and list them below. Write the word and its definition, and compose your own sentence using the word correctly. This extra practice could be the final touch to learning a word.



Your Sentence




