Chapter 19. Review - Part IV. Health

Interactive Vocabulary - Amy E. Olsen 2017

Chapter 19. Review
Part IV. Health

Focus on Chapters 16-18

The following activities give you the opportunity to further interact with the vocabulary words you've been learning. By taking tests, answering questions, using visuals, doing a crossword puzzle, and working with others, you will see which words you know well and which ones need additional study.


Image For Set One, match each term with its synonym. For Set Two, match each term with its antonym.


Set One

1. naive   a. supportable

2. cooperate  b. conflict

3. sustainable  c. alternative

4. option   d. innocent

5. opposition  e. collaborate


Set Two

6. fluke    f. local

7. global   g. excess

8. sedentary  h. reduce

9. overextend  i. misfortune

10. moderation  j. active

Image 2 Pick the word that best completes each sentence.

1. I didn't ... my homework taking so long. Now I don't know if I will finish.

a. confront  b. anticipate  c. prescribe d. cooperate

2. My ... have grown so big that I'm not sure I can ever pay them off.

a. options  b. regimens  c. debts  d. dedications

3. Lisa found skydiving to be an ... experience; it was extremely exciting.

a. uncertain  b. intense  c. impassive d. avid

4. My ... to exercising every day has really helped to get me in shape.

a. opposition  b. option  c. trend  d. dedication

5. I am not well suited to a ... job. If I have to sit a lot, I get restless and have a hard time concentrating.

a. sedentary  b. dismal  c. precarious d. global

6. Erving is a(n) ... basketball fan. He travels to games all over the country.

a. precarious  b. uncertain  c. avid   d. reputable

7. I thought the exercise ... the physical therapist designed for me would be too difficult, but I am finding it enjoyable to do, and I see it helping my recovery.

a. fluke   b. debt   c. depletion d. regimen

8. Nadie did research to find a ... company to install her new windows. She wanted to hire a trustworthy company since the job would be expensive and require people to be in her house.

a. reputable  b. sedentary c. dismal  d. remiss

Image 3 Complete the following sentences using the vocabulary words. Use each word once.






1. I was surprised by my family's ... to my rearranging the furniture in the living room. I had not realized how fond they were of the current placement.

2. I considered every ... before I bought my car. I am happy with my choice.

3. My husband says he believes in ... when he exercises, but I don't think walking from the couch to the refrigerator counts as exercise.

4. At first I found it hard to follow the ... of bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, but now I remember to take in three or four bags instead of relying on plastic ones.

5. There has been a large ... in the town's water supply since the new housing project was completed. We need to •look closely at how to bring in more water as the town continues to grow.

Image 4 Complete the following sentences by supplying the word with the appropriate word ending. Decide whether the sentence needs an adverb or a past or present tense verb. Use each word once.

naively  globally  precariously  confronting

revived  stimulated prescribed  cooperating

1. The lecture on food trends of the last sixty years ... a lot of conversation on ways eating habits have changed.

2. The doctor ... light exercise in the evening, a warm bath, and a dark room to help with my sleep problems. He said I didn't need any drugs.

3. The boy was balanced ... on the railing. I was afraid he would fall, so I asked him to sit in a chair instead.

4. The singer surprisingly ... his career by recording a collection of love songs that had first been sung by Elvis. The CD sold millions of copies.

5. Several problems are ... the college this year due to the numerous budget cuts.

6. We all need to start thinking ... in order to make the planet livable for years to come.

7. My whole family is ... with the police to discover who might have sent my uncle, a long-time judge, a threatening letter.

8. I ... thought I could move back home after being gone for two years. I was shocked when I found that my former bedroom was now my mother's artist workshop.

Image 5 Fill in the missing meaning for the underlined word part.



act of 





1. After taking off last year, I am going to revive the Sunday barbeques this summer. Several of the neighbors have asked me to bring ... the tradition.

2. I am putting my money ... funds that relate to environmental issues. I think those types of accounts are smart to invest in as people become more concerned about taking care of the planet.

3. I knew Raimi was not close to his father, but I was still surprised by his impassive face when he was told that his father was in the hospital. He did not show anything he might have been ... .

4. After I graduate, my future is uncertain. I do ... know what kind of job I might find with my philosophy degree.

5. Audrey has intense feelings for Luis. Her devotion ... back to their childhood when he pulled her out of the way just before a car drove onto the sidewalk inches from them.

6. As more countries move toward using sustainable practices, it means humans will be able to ... on to nature's resources for years and years.

7. I admire Matthew's dedication. Just the ... getting up early every Saturday and Sunday morning would have stopped me from being a volunteer coach.

Image 6 Finish the reading using the vocabulary words below. Use each word once.

Vocabulary list

remiss cooperate dedication confronted  dismal

acquire invest  impassive  anticipate  precarious

Big Plans

The meeting to plan the (1)... of the college's new Inspiration Garden redly got crazy. The garden was designed as a place where students can re­flect on life and nature in peaceful surroundings. I did not (2)... anyone thinking the opening should be an elaborate event. Some people didn't want a(n) (3)... ceremony filled with boring

speeches. They wanted to bring in dancers and rock bands and offer food from local restaurants. Someone mentioned that we didn't have the funds to put on such a complicated event. Another person then suggested we could (4)... the money through dona­tions. Someone else countered that no one had the time to (5)... in getting the money.


At that point, I couldn't remain (6)... any longer. I felt it would be (7)... of me not to mention that such a gathering didn't fit with the quiet atmosphere of the garden. The possibility of our finding a way to (8)... on this project was be­ginning to look (9)... . Then someone else agreed that what we did at the ceremony should be appropriate to the purpose of the garden. Finally, we decided to prioritize the ideas we thought were important and focus on those items. By the end of the meeting, we had planned a simple, but meaningful, event. I was proud that we had (10)... a tough problem and developed a workable solution.

Interactive Exercise

Image Answer the following questions to further test your understanding of the vocabulary words.

1. What are two trends that you think have been silly?

2. What are two events that you eagerly anticipate each year?

3. What is something one would not want to be remiss in doing?

4. What suggestion would you offer to a friend who is exceedingly in debt?

5. What is something you are uncertain about?

6. What are two items you would especially want to buy from a reputable dealer?

7. What could you do to revive the look of your bedroom?

8. What are two traits or actions of the avid sports fan?

9. List an event or activity that you would consider a fluke.

10. What would you prescribe someone do to relieve stress?


Image Story Forming

Select either photograph, and write a short story (one to two paragraphs) using the picture as inspira­tion. You can let your imagination go with this ex­ercise.

Use at least six of the vocabulary words below in the story. Feel free to add word endings (i.e., -s, -ing, -ly) if needed. Share the story with your classmates—read your stories aloud or pass them around to read silently. Then discuss how the same picture produces different uses of the words.



Vocabulary list

acquire stimulate

fluke  depletion

regimen overextend

confront trend

intense dismal

remiss precarious

cooperate uncertain


Crossword Puzzle




2. the opposite of growth

8. Working out every day takes this.

10. Thirty gray days in a row would be this for most people.

12. conflict or competitor

16. A man selling expensive watches out of the back of his van might not be this.

18. eager or enthusiastic

20. a plan


1. The doctors brought him back to life.

3. We have offices in India, Pemark, the U.S., and Peru.

4. owing ten thousand dollars, for example

5. capable of being maintained

6. sitting at a desk all day

7. avoidance of extremes

9. the opposite of sophisticated

11. I don't care.

13. Get some rest, and you'll feel better.

14. alternative

15. to excite

17. a language, skills, or things, as examples

19. to try to do too much

Use the following words to complete the crossword puzzle.

Use each word once.

Vocabulary list

acquire avid debt  dedication depletion

dismal global impassive moderation naive

opposition option overextend prescribe regimen

reputable revive sedentary stimulate sustainable


Marking Words When Reading

When you read for fun, it can be counterproductive to stop and look up every word you don't know-you will become frustrated with reading instead of enjoying it. As this book advocates, looking for context clues is the best way to find the meaning of an unknown word, but some­times this method doesn't work. There are various ways of keeping track of unfamiliar words; try these methods to see which fits your style.

✵ Keep a piece of paper and a pen next to you, and write down the word and page number.

✵ Keep a piece of paper next to you, and rip it into small pieces or use sticky notes. Put a piece between the pages where the word you don't know is located. For added help, write the word on the paper.

✵ If the book belongs to you, circle the words you don't know, and flip through the book later to find them.

✵ If the book belongs to you, dog-ear the page (turn the corner down) where the word you don't know is located. This method is useful when you don't have a pen or paper.

✵ Repeat the word and page number to yourself a few times. Try to connect the page number to a date to help you remember it.

When you are done reading for the day, get your dictionary and look up the words you marked. The last two methods work best if you don't read many pages before you look up the words or if there are only a few words you don't know. Using these methods will help you learn new words without destroying the fun of reading. Note: If you come across a word you don't know several times and not knowing its meaning keeps you from understanding what is going on, then it's a good idea to stop and look up the word.

Mix It Up

Image Making a Scene

Get together with six to nine classmates, and divide into two to. three groups. Each group creates a situation or uses one of the suggestions below to write a short scene using at least six of the vocabulary words to be studied. If you want to study several words, make sure each group doesn't pick the same six words. Each group acts out the scene with the rest noting how the words are used. You may choose to emphasize each vocabulary word by your actions or tone of voice when you are doing the scene to help you and your classmates remember the words. Discuss how the words fit in after the scene is completed. The scenes can also be done as role­playing with pairs creating the scenes instead of small groups. The scenes might be from the readings, such as two opponents meeting on the tennis court from Chapter 16. Creating scenes is an espe­cially fun and useful activity if you like to act or enjoy movement.


The following are possible scenes related to specific chapters: friends talking about their exer­cise and eating regimens while working out at the gym from Chapter 16, two clients talking with a financial advisor from Chapter 17, and a group on the retreat talking while on a hike from Chapter 18. You can also use the overall section theme of health to create your own ideas using words from all three chapters.

If you enjoy this collaborative activity, remember to use it again when you are reviewing later chapters in this book. Have fun making the scenes, and you will enjoy the review process.