
Interactive Vocabulary - Amy E. Olsen 2017



access v. to be able to reach or open n. 1. the right to use or enter 2. the state of being able to enter or ap­proach 3. a means of entry; a passage

acquire v. to get possession of; to obtain

affirm v. 1. to confirm; to approve 2. to assert; to


allot v. to give; to assign

analogy n. a comparison; likeness

anticipate v. to look forward to; to expect

appease v. 1. to calm, to soothe 2. to satisfy

aptitude n. 1. talent; ability 2. quickness in learning; intelligence

aspect n. 1. a part; a phase; a characteristic

2. an expression or appearance

assessment n. testing; evaluation

attain v. 1. to reach; to arrive at, especially through hard work or time 2. to achieve; to accomplish

avid adj. eager; enthusiastic

awareness n. alertness; consciousness; knowledge


baffle v. to confuse; to frustrate

bliss n. absolute joy; great happiness


chronicle v. to record n. a chronological record of historical events

chronological adj. arranged in order of time; sequential

clarify v. to make clear; to explain

clarity n. clearness; brightness; easy to understand

collaborative adj. working together; working with other people

colleague n. co-worker; associate; partner

compatible adj. 1. capable of being in an agreeable situ­ation with others; well-matched 2. capable of efficient operation with other elements

confidential adj. spoken or written for only a few people to know about; secret

confront v. to face head on

congenial adj. friendly; pleasant; agreeable

constraint n. limitation; restriction

contention n. 1. a determination to win in competition

2. an argument; an opinion

contradictory adj. stating the opposite; conflicting; differing

converge v. to come together; to meet

cooperate v. to work together; to agree


debt n. something owed; an obligation

declare v. to announce formally; strongly assert

dedication n. 1. the state of being devoted to a cause;

commitment 2. a message attached to a book or other artistic work to show thanks or respect 3. a ceremony to open a building

delve v. to investigate; to dig into

depletion n. the act of decreasing something; reduction

derive v. 1. to obtain 2. to arrive at by reasoning

3. to come from a source; originate

dilate v. to make larger or wider; to enlarge; to expand

diligent adj. hard-working; attentive; careful

disarray n. a state of disorder; confusion v. to throw into confusion; to upset

disclose v. to make public

dismal adj. miserable; depressing; dull


efficient adj. effective; well-organized

elaborate v. 1. to provide more information

2. to work out completely adj. planned with attention to details; complicated

elusive adj. tending to avoid or escape understanding or reach; hard to get hold of; mysterious

empathize v. to identify with another person's situation; to understand a person's feelings

empower v. to enable; to authorize; to permit

envision v. to picture mentally, especially future events; imagine; foresee

evident adj. easily seen; clear

exude v. to give off; to release; to project


factor n. a part that adds to an outcome or a situation; a cause; a component v. to consider as important when making a decision; a reason

faculty n. 1. teachers at a school, college, or univer­

sity 2. the ability to do something

fluke n. a lucky chance; accidental good luck

formulate v. to invent, develop, or devise

fray n. 1. a fight or battle 2. a competition, especially in sports v. 1. to strain; to upset 2. to wear away by rubbing, such as the edges of cloth


generate v. to start up; to develop; to create

genesis n. origin; beginning

genuine adj. real; true

global adj. involving the entire Earth; international

gullible adj. easily fooled; believing; trusting


hectic adj. busy and confused; chaotic; wild

hone v. to sharpen; to work on n. a tool for sharpening cutting instruments

hypothesis n. a statement that provides a possible ex­planation for a set of facts, often the starting point for experiments; a theory; a suggestion


immerse v. 1. to surround; to absorb 2. to cover entirely in a liquid; to submerge

impartial adj. fair; unprejudiced

impassive adj. having a lack of interest; not showing emotion; expressionless

implausible adj. causing disbelief; unlikely;


impress v. to interest; to amaze; to influence

inaccurate adj. mistaken; incorrect

incentive n. encouragement; something that motivates action or greater effort adj. motivating, as to action

inevitable adj. incapable of being prevented; unavoid­able; certain n. something that is unavoidable

initiative n. the first step; the ability to start a plan

innovative adj. using or showing new ideas; original; inventive

inquisitive adj. curious; eager for knowledge

inscribe v. to write or carve on a surface or page

integrity n. honesty; reliability; truthfulness; honor

intense adj. to an extreme degree; deep

intercede v. to request something for someone else; to intervene

interpret v. 1. to explain the meaning of; to takefo mean 2. to reveal the meaning of in performance (in music, drama) 3. to translate what is said in a foreign language

intimidate v. to scare or frighten; to threaten

invest v. to use or give (money, time, etc.) in order to reach something, often for profit; to put in

irrational adj. l. illogical; foolish; unreasonable

2. confused, as from shock


jeopardize v. to risk; to threaten

jubilant adj. joyful; thrilled


keen adj. l. extremely alert or sensitive; sharp

2. eager; enthusiastic; intense 3. intelligent


laborious adj. l. requiring hard work; difficult

2. hard-working; industrious

lament v. to express grief; to mourn

lavish v. to give or spend in large amounts; heap adj. extravagant; abundant; generous

liberal adj. l. generous; abundant 2. tolerant of the ideas or actions of others; open-minded n. a person with liberal views


malady n. 1. an illness; a disease 2. a disagreeable condition

malevolent adj. wishing or producing evil or ham on others; mean

malicious adj. feeling or showing a desire to harm another; hateful; mean

management n. l. the ability to control something

2. the people who direct a business

maneuver v. 1. to manage with skill 2. to steer in

various directions as needed 3. to scheme n. 1. an

act of changing directions as needed 2. a skillful move

manipulative adj. using for one's own purposes; controlling

manuscript n. a document, generally handwritten

methodical adj. l. orderly; logical 2. precise;


moderation n. avoidance of extremes; control


naive or naive adj. ignorant; innocent; inexperienced

networking n. 1. a supportive method of sharing information among people with shared interests 2. the creation of a computer network

nimble adj. l. quick and light in movement; lively

2. quick to think or comprehend


opportune adj. 1. favorable; appropriate 2. convenient; well-timed

opposition n. 1. conflict; resistance 2. a competitor, enemy, or challenger

option n. choosing; choice; alternative; the thing chosen

orientation n. a program intended to help people adapt to a new environment

overextend v. to promise more (money, time, etc.) than one can deliver; to try to do too much


passionate adj. having strong emotions; enthusiastic; loving

perspective n. 1. a point of view; outlook; attitude

2. a view; prospect

pheromone n. a chemical released by an animal that influ­ences behavior or development in others of the same type

precarious adj. 1. insecure; dangerously lacking secu­rity 2. subject to change

preclude v. to keep from happening; to prevent

predicament n. a difficult, embarrassing, or ridiculous situation

preliminary adj. beginning; introductory

prescribe v. to give as a rle or guide; to recommend the use of

prioritize v. to place in order of importance procrastinate v. to postpone; to put off proficient adj. accomplished in a subject; skilled


quandary n. a confused state; a difficulty

query n. a question v to question; to ask


rapport n. a relationship or connection, especially one involving trust

reflect v. 1. to think seriously about 2. to mirror

3. to show as a result of what one does; to signal

regimen n. a plan; discipline

reluctant adj. unwilling; hesitant

remiss adj. careless or slow in meeting one's responsi­bilities; inattentive

reputable adj. respectable; honorable; trustworthy

resolve v. 1. to make up one's mind; to decide firmly

2. to solve or settle, such as an argument

n. determination; a frm decision or plan

retain v. to hold; to keep; to remember

retrospect n. looking back at the past v. to look back on; to remember

revive v. 1. to regain health 2. to restore to use; to renew 3. to bring back to life


sedentary adj. requiring a lot of sitting; getting little exercise; inactive

specimen n. 1. a thing (i.e., plant, rock, animal) collected as an example for examination; a sample 2. an individual or object considered typical of the group to which it belongs; type; model

speculate v. to suppose; to wonder; to think curiously about

stimulate v. to excite; to inspire; to cause to do

surmise v. to guess; to suspect; to assume n. a suspicion; a theory

sustainable adj. capable of being maintained with little lasting effect on the environment; supportable

symbolize v. to represent; to mean

synchronize v. 1. to function together; to match

2. to happen at the same time; to cause to show the same time


tangible adj. 1. possible to understand or accomplish

2. possible to touch; real

tenacious adj. holding fast; stubborn; tough; firm

tenuous adj. slight; weak; thin

tenure n. 1. the period of holding something; term; the possession of something, like an office 2. the right of permanent employment, especially for teachers

thwart v. 1. to prevent; to stop 2. to frustrate

trend n. a general direction in which something tends to move; a leaning


uncertain adj. not known; doubtful; undecided

unprecedented adj. never before known or experienced; frst-time; exceptional


verify v. to prove the truth of; to confirm

vie v. to compete for something; to struggle

visionary adj. imaginative, creative, farsighted n. one with an unusual ability to look ahead; a prophet; a dreamer

vital adj. important; essential


waver v. 1. to be unsure; to hesitate 2. to move back and forth 3. to shake, used of a sound

weary adj. tired; exhausted v. to tire; to grow tired