
Booher's Rules of Business Grammar - Dianna Booher 2009


a or an, 93—94

a or the, for numbers, 50—51

able or —ible, spelling, 263—264

Active-voice verbs, 121—124

Adjectives, 95—112

defined, 95, 97

er or —est, 102—103

hyphens, 229—231, 272—273

incomplete comparisons, 109—112

less or fewer, 105—106

less or least, 103

to modify nouns or pronouns, 97—99

more or most, 102—103

over or more than, 107—108

paired, and redundancy, 200—201

punctuation of distinct, 151

unique, round, square, surrounded, or perfect, 104

well or good, 100—101

(See also Modifiers)


defined, 87, 96—97

to modify verbs, 97—99

one word or two, 87—90

(See also Adjectives; Modifiers)

affect or effect, spelling, 274—276

Almanac (Franklin), 130

Amounts (See Numbers)

an or a, 93—94

Analogy method for capitalization, 245—246

Apostrophes, 173—174, 181—182, 188—189

are contractions, 220

are not contractions, 219—222


a, an, the, 93—94

assessment, xxii, 255, 288

assure, insure, or ensure, spelling, 277—278

Author contact information, xxii, 255

Balance (See Parallelism and balance)

British placement of quotation marks, 167—168

Capitalization, 245—253

analogy method, 245—246

conjunctions, 251—253

lowercase, compared to, 251—253

prepositions, 251—253

rule method, 246—247

rules for, 245—248

titles and positions, 249—250

ceed/—cede/—sede spelling, 266


common sentence starters, 84

redundant that, 203—205

“switch” clauses, 72

that or which, 71—72

with that or which, 136—138

who or whom, 64—65

without, 240—242

Collective nouns and verbs, 44—45

Colloquialisms, 217—218


before a list, 156—158

quotation mark placement, 165

Comma Sense: A Fun-damental Guide to Punctuation (Lederer and Shore), 129

Commands, softened, punctuation for, 161—162

Commas, 133—146

clauses with that or which, 136—138

for direct address, 139—141

enclosing, 153—155

for introductions, 144—146

quotation mark placement, 165

salutations, 142—143

to separate equal things, 150—152

unnecessary, 133—135


er or —est, 102—103

incomplete, 109—112, 236—237

less or least, 103

more or most, 102—103

(See also Adjectives; Adverbs)

Compound words:

hyphens, 269—270, 272—273

plural forms, 269—270

Conjunctions and capitalization, 251—253

Consonant, words that begin with, and articles a or an, 93—94


are, 220

are not, 219—222

is, 220

of, 219—222

will, 220

would, 220

Correlative links, 232—233

Crosby, Norm, 213

Dangling modifiers, 80—86

Dashes, 225—228

Descriptive possessives, 188—189

Direct address, commas for, 139—141

Doublespeak, 202

effect or affect, spelling, 274—276

e.g. or i.e., 281

ei and —ie spelling, 263, 266

either/or, 52—53, 232—233

eminent or imminent, spelling, 284

Enclosing commas, 153—155

ensure, insure or assure, spelling, 277—278

er or —est, 102—103

et cetera, redundancy, 206—207

Exclamation points, and quotation mark placement, 165

Expletives, 33—35

Extra —s, 91—92

fewer or less, 105—106

Fillers, 217—218

First-person viewpoint, 118

Fractions, verbs with, 48—49

Fragment, sentence, 159—160

Franklin, Ben, 130

Gerunds, possessives before, 183—185

got or have/has, 223—224

Grammar, reasons for concern about, xvii—xxi

have/has or got, 223—224

Helping verbs, 12—13, 17—18


compound words, 269—270, 272—273

dashes, compared to, 225—226

plural forms for compound words

written as two words or hyphenated, 269—270

with prefixes, 264—265

and related adjectives, 229—231

salutations, 142—143

usage in words, 225—226

I or you as objective pronouns, 57—59

ible or —able, spelling, 263—264

Ideas, redundancy in, 195—196

i.e. or e.g., 281

if/neither, 232—233

imminent or eminent, spelling, 284

Incomplete comparisons, 109—112

Indefinite pronouns, 46—47

Independent clauses, punctuation, 151

Indirect questions, punctuation, 161—162

Indirect quotations, punctuation, 163—164

Infinitive(s), split, 238—239

insure, ensure or assure, spelling, 277—278

Intentional sentence fragment, 159—160

Introductions, punctuation for, 144—146

Irregular nouns, plural spellings, 267—268

Irregular verbs:

common, 7—9

and helping verbs, 12—13, 17—18

is contractions, 220

to come, 15—16

to do, 10—11

to go, 12—14

to see, 17—18

Items in a series, punctuation, 151

it’s or its, 175—176

Joint ownership, possessives, 181—182

lay or lie, 20—21

least or less, 103

Lederer, Richard, 129

less or fewer, 105—106

less or least, 103

lie or lay, 20—21

Linking verbs, 42—43

Linking words and, but, so, or, for, nor, yet, 151

Little-word padding and redundancy, 193—197

Lowercase, compared to capitalization, 251—253

Malapropisms, 213

may or might, 36—37

Meaning, quotation marks to change, 169—170

Memory Tips, xxi-xxii

Metaphors, mixed, 234—235

might or may, 36—37

Misplaced modifiers, 77—79

Mispronunciation, 213—214

Misspelled words:

able or —ible, 263—264

affect or effect, 274—276

ceed/—cede/—sede, 266

compound words, 272—273

e.g. or i.e., 281

ei and —ie, 263, 266

eminent or imminent, 284

ensure, insure, or assure, 277—278

extra —s, 91—92

frequently misspelled, 257—263

hyphens, 272—273

nauseated or nauseous, 282—283

one word or two, 87—90

plurals, 267—271

prefixes, 264—265

principal or principle, 279—280

suffixes, 263—266

Mixed metaphors, 234—235

Modifiers, 75—94

articles a or an, 93—94

dangling, 80—86

defined, 75

extra —s, 91—92

misplaced, 77—79

one word or two, 87—90

which, dangling, 85—86

(See also Adjectives; Adverbs)

Money, verbs with, 48—49

more or most, 102—103

more than or over, 107—108

nauseated or nauseous, spelling, 282—283

neither/nor, 52—53, 232—233

Nominative pronouns, 60—61

Nonwords, 217—218

not only/but also, 52—53, 232—233


adjectives to modify, 97—99

collective nouns and verbs, 44—45


in compound words, 272—273

and related adjectives, 229—231

paired, and redundancy, 200—201

plural form spelling, 267—269

plural forms for words ending in:

f or —fe, 268

o, 269

s, —ss, —z, —sh, —ch, or —x, 268

y, 269

unclear pronoun references, 68—70

into verbs, 3—6


a or the, 50—51

possessives, 186—187

starting sentence with, 215—216

verbs with, 48—51

Objective pronouns, you or I, 57—59

of contractions, 219—222

One of a kind/one of a category, 38—39

over or more than, 107—108

Paired nouns, adjectives, or verbs, and redundancy, 200—201

Parallelism and balance:

active-voice verbs, 121—124

defined, 113

either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also agreement, 52—53, 232—233

as pair of ideas, 115—116

passive-voice verbs, 121—124

tense changes, 23—25, 125—127

viewpoints, 117—120

Passive-voice verbs, 121—124

Past participles, common, 8—9

Past perfect tense:

irregular verb to come, 16

irregular verb to go, 13

Past tense:

common irregular verbs, 7—9

irregular verb to come, 16

Percentages, verbs with, 48—49


to end sentence, 151

quotation mark placement, 165

Plural forms:

compound words written as two words or hyphenated, 269—270

foreign words, 270—271

irregular nouns, 267—268

nouns, 267—269

nouns ending in:

f or —fe, 268

o, 269

s, —ss, —z, —sh, —ch, or —x, 268

y, 269

possessives, compared to, 179—180

spelling, 267—271

subject-verb agreement, 42—43

Positions and titles, capitalization, 249—250

Possessives, 173—190

amounts, 186—187

apostrophes, 173—174, 181—182, 188—189

descriptive, 188—189

before gerunds, 183—185

it’s or its, 175—176

joint ownership, 181—182

numbers, 186—187

plurals, compared to, 179—180

time, 186—187

whose or who’s, 177—178

Prefixes, spelled, 264—265

Prepositional phrases, 243—244


capitalization, 251—253

redundancy, 208—209

Present perfect tense:

irregular verb to come, 16

irregular verb to go, 13

Present tense:

common irregular verbs, 8—9

irregular verb to come, 16

irregular verb to do, 10—11

principal or principle, spelling, 279—280

Pronouns, 55—74

adjectives to modify, 97—99

following than, 66—67

indefinite pronouns, 46—47

nominative, 60—61

objective, you or I, 57—59

reflexive —self, 62—63

subject, 60—61

that or which, 71—72

unclear references, 68—70

uses, 55

who and verb agreement, 38—39

who or that, 73

who or whom, 64—65

Punctuation, 129—172

apostrophes, 173—174, 181—182

colons, 156—158, 165

commas, 133—146

importance of, 129—132

indirect questions, 161—162

indirect quotations, 163—164

for introductions, 144—146

period, 151, 165

quotation marks, 163—172

run-on sentences, 147—149

for salutations, 142—143

semicolons, 147—149, 151, 165

sentence fragment, 159—160

softened commands, 161—162

Quantities, verbs with, 48—49

Question marks, and quotation mark placement, 165

Quotation marks:

British placement, 167—168

to change tone or meaning, 169—170

indirect quotations, 163—164

placement, 165—168

single quotation marks, 171—172

Quotations, indirect, 163—164

Redundancy, 191—210

doublespeak, 202

et cetera, 206—207

in ideas, 195—196

little-word padding, 193—197

paired nouns, adjectives, or verbs, 200—201

prepositions, 208—209

so forth, 206—207

that, 203—205

verb add-ons, 198—199

Reflexive —self pronouns, 62—63

The Rivals (Sheridan), 213

Rule method for capitalization, 246—247

Run-on sentences, 147—149

Salutations, punctuation for, 142—143

Second-person viewpoint, 118

sede/—ceed/—cede spelling, 266

self reflexive pronouns, 62—63

Semicolon, 147—149, 151, 165


common sentence starters, 84

fragment, 159—160

number, starting with, 215—216

punctuation to end sentence, 151

run-on, 147—149

Sheridan, Richard, 213

Shore, John, 129

Similes, 234—235

Single quotation marks, 171—172

So forth and redundancy, 206—207

Softened commands, punctuation for, 161—162

Spelling (See Misspelled words)

Split infinitives, 238—239


compound, and phrasal prepositions, 243—244

either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also agreement, 52—53, 232—233

nominative pronouns, 60—61

objective pronouns, you or I, 57—59

verb agreement, 40—41

(See also Nouns; Pronouns)

Subject pronouns, 60—61

Subject-verb agreement and plurals, 42—43

Subjunctive-mood verbs, 27—32

Suffixes, misspelled words, 263—266

“Switch” clauses, 72


changes in, 23—25, 125—128

lie or lay, 20—21

parallelism and balance, 125—127

past perfect tense:

irregular verb to come, 16

irregular verb to go, 13

past tense:

common irregular verbs, 7—9

irregular verb to come, 16

present perfect tense:

irregular verb to come, 16

irregular verb to go, 13

present tense:

common irregular verbs, 8—9

irregular verb to come, 16

irregular verb to do, 10—11

than, pronouns following, 66—67

that or which, 71—72, 136—138

that or who, 73

that redundancies, 203—205

the or a, for numbers, 50—51

Third-person viewpoint, 118

Thoreau, Henry David, 127


possessives, 186—187

verbs with, 48—49

Titles and positions, capitalization, 249—250

to do irregular verb, 10—11

to go irregular verb, 12—14

to see irregular verb, 17—18

Tone, quotation marks to change, 169—170

Unique, round, square, surrounded, or perfect, 104

Uppercase (See Capitalization)

Verbosity (See Redundancy)

Verbs, 1—53

active voice, 121—124

add-ons and redundancy, 198—199

adverbs to modify, 97—99

and collective nouns, 44—45

either/or, 52—53, 232—233

and expletives, 33—35

finding precise word, 3—4

with fractions, 48—49

helping verbs, 12—13, 17—18

hyphens in compound words, 272—273

imperative-mood verbs, 26

indefinite pronouns, 46—47

indicative-mood verbs, 26

infinitives, split, 238—239

irregular (See Irregular verbs)

lie or lay, 19—22

linking verbs, 42—43

may or might, 36—37

with money, 48—49

mood, 27—32

neither/nor, 52—53, 232—233

not only/but also, 52—53, 232—233

into nouns, 3—6

with numbers, 48—51

one of a kind/one of a category, 38—39

paired, and redundancy, 200—201

passive voice, 121—124

with percentages, 48—49

with quantities, 48—49

redundancy, 198—199

strength of, 5—6

subject agreement, 40—41

subjunctive-mood verbs, 27—32

tense changes, 23—25, 125—128

with time, 48—49

who, 38—39

Versus, 223—224

Vowel sounds, words that begin with, articles a or an, 93—94

Web site of author, xxii, 255

well or good, 100—101

which, dangling, 85—86

which or that, 71—72, 136—138

who, and verb agreement, 38—39

who or that, 73

who or whom, 64—65

whose or who’s, 177—178

will contractions, 220

without, 240—242

would contractions, 220

you or I as objective pronouns, 57—59