Getting your flash fiction published - Short and sweet flash fiction - Short-form genres

Creative writing - Mike Sanders 2014

Getting your flash fiction published
Short and sweet flash fiction
Short-form genres

A good way to figure out where to submit your work for publication is to familiarize yourself with the best magazines and venues for flash fiction. The Vestal Review (, for example, is one of the oldest magazines dedicated to flash fiction and insists on publishing work that stays with the reader long after the narrative has been read. Another journal, Brevity (, boasts a number of published writers who have won awards for their work.

Once you read an issue or two of these and other flash fiction magazines, you’ll have a better idea which of them favor work that resembles your own. Send your work to those places. In Part 7, you learn more about general practices and approaches for getting your work published.

The least you need to know

·  Flash fiction gets into the story and plot as quickly as possible.

·  When writing flash fiction, establish scenes and summaries while adding in critical backstory along the way.

·  Employ prosody in your flash fiction to speed toward your climax.

·  You can use a variety of emotional triggers to help get ideas for flash fiction topics.

·  To grasp flash fiction style, familiarize yourself with flash fiction from other writers.