When to tweak - Decide which way to go - Strengthen

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

When to tweak
Decide which way to go

We’ll get into Tweaking in more detail in the next section, so I’ll keep this brief.

Give your writing a Tweak grade when the idea is clear, the detail is solid, and it’s arranged pretty much how you want it to be arranged.

In other words, when your work is passing the Stack Test.

Tweaking is the process of going through your work, and steering the reader’s eyeballs. Making sure your writing has the exact effect you want it to have.

We’ll get into how to do that starting with Chapter 13.

For now, just remember that the Tweak grade means that section is ready for the Tweak phase.

And you’re not done with the Strengthen phase until you give every section a Tweak grade. And you’ll go through each of the other grades to get there.