Decide which way to go in 5 easy steps - Decide which way to go - Strengthen

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

Decide which way to go in 5 easy steps
Decide which way to go

In this part of the Strengthen phase, you’re planning the rewrite. If you don’t plan ahead, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of pages. Here’s how to do it in five easy steps.

1. Review your Problem List.

See what you’ve got, and where it needs fixing. Trust your instincts. Look at the project as a whole, and then zoom in to each section, down to each chunk, as you:

2. Apply the Stack Test.

Be honest. Is your idea building? If not — or if the flow isn’t right — where does it go off the rails? The Stack Test applies to every level of your writing, even down to individual sentences. But for now, watch the overview — how your idea builds. And, as you’re applying the Stack Test:

3. Grade each element.

Next to each element (section/chapter/page/scene/whatever) on your Problem List, give it a grade. Everything is either Re-Focus, Research, Edit, or Tweak. In that order. Don’t be too harsh, but don’t go too easy, either. When every element has a grade, then:

4. Prioritize the results.

Arrange the elements in order of priority. All Re-Focus elements in one group, all Research elements in another, etc. Major sections (e.g., chapters) get priority over smaller elements (e.g. scenes). When you’re done, then:

5. Create your Strengthen Plan.

You’ve identified the problems. You’ve graded everything. You’ve prioritized. Now give each element an estimated time, and map out your plan to do it. It’s your roadmap for the rewrite. A step-by-step list of which section needs what, and the order in which to do them.

In this step, we separate the forest from the trees, and create the plan of action. This is not as hard as it seems. Go through it quickly. Trust your instincts, and keep moving.