The philosophy of tweak - Sharpen the speed of the read - Tweak

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

The philosophy of tweak
Sharpen the speed of the read

The first time you apply the FAST System, you’ll struggle to see the difference between “editing” and “tweaking.” (And yes, even though I’m pointing it out, you’ll still struggle to see the difference.)

The key difference is this: When you edit, you’re working on the idea. When you tweak, you’re working on the words.

I’ve made this distinction to separate each phase — so you can make your writing systematic.

Don’t think of Tweaking as rewriting. You’ve already done that in the Strengthen section. You’ve made your ideas tangible, and you’ve reworked them until they flow smoothly — until the pace and the structure of your writing is working.

Instead, Tweaking is your deliberate manipulation of the specific choice of words, to guide the reader exactly where you want those eyes to go.

Tweaking comes last. Tweaking comes after your writing is working.

Even the most technical, scientific, left-brain analysis piece (the stuff you only read when you have to), is communicating an idea. Putting it on the page should be automatic. Instinctive. You can guide it, push it, steer it, move it, etc. But you need to let it flow.

Tweaking, however, is not automatic. It’s conscious. Deliberate. Controlling.

You’ve always struggled with writing because you’ve tried to Tweak while you write. But not anymore. Writing FAST is simple. Tap into your brain (Focus), pour out your idea (Apply), shape it and mold it (Strengthen). And then start thinking about it, and making it work (Tweak)!

On your first attempts at the FAST System, don’t be surprised if you start Tweaking during the Edit. Or when you Tweak, you might decide to jump back and do some more Editing or Strengthening. You need to get comfortable with each phase. And it’ll take some practice.

But as you start using the FAST System on everything you write, you’ll begin to make the separation.

You’ll understand the philosophy of the Tweak.

It’s all about the words.