Paragraphs and length - Quicken and polish - Tweak

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

Paragraphs and length
Quicken and polish

Short paragraphs are easier to read.

It’s true.

Consider these paragraphs.

They’re easier than those big blocky ones above, aren’t they?

Of course.

But that doesn’t mean you should write one-line paragraphs. In fact, it’s generally rare, and used only for effect. Typically, a paragraph is one complete nugget of an idea. You start with an opening sentence, then hit the meat of the idea with one or more sentences, and then end it with a closing sentence.

But watch out for enormous paragraphs that stretch down half the page. Thick, dense, wordy paragraphs are hard work to read (unless it’s a novel). Break them into smaller ones instead.

Paragraphs break up the page, and allow the reader to pause.

Now, different types of writing have different requirements, and I’m not saying all writing should look like mine.

I only want to call your attention to it. As you Tweak your work, pay close attention to the length of your paragraphs, and the impact it has on your idea. Are you forcing your reader to struggle through your writing? Or are you using it effectively?

It’s not just about shorter paragraphs.

It’s about paragraphs that keep the reader reading.

You need to do what’s appropriate for the material.

And only you can know what that is.