And so... - Quicken and polish - Tweak

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

And so...
Quicken and polish

If you’re anything like me, starting a project is infinitely easier than completing it.

So as you get to the Tweak phase, you start to get Completion Anxiety. You’re afraid it’s not good enough. You might start picking your words to pieces. Maybe you’ll even make excuses for delaying the finish.

But here’s the secret of the Tweak phase: You can always do it again!

See? There’s no pressure at all. So forget perfection. Keep your focus on your reader. Make the idea is clear to him. Push through it. And then get feedback on your work.

Completing your first major writing project is a revelation. For me, writing this book has taught me things about myself I never knew.

And I’ve discovered things about my topic I never knew!

For example, not only does the FAST System work, every problem I ran into — every single one! — came when I ignored the system. When I leaped in without planning. Or tried to do three things at once (usually because of my looming deadline!).

As long as you keep coming back to it, the FAST System helps you actually finish your project.

And when you do, you reinforce a very powerful idea in your mind — the idea that “I can do this.”

So keep powering through.

Finish this one and move on to the next.

Always put your reader first.

Tweak your words to give him the best possible ride.

And do it FAST.

Because I’m sure you have plenty more ideas to share.