Three definitions - Meet the FAST system - The setup

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

Three definitions
Meet the FAST system
The setup

When I talk about “writing FAST,” the phrase really has three distinct definitions.

The first definition is the physical act of putting words onto the page as quickly as possible. Speed writing. I believe the faster you write, the better. For several reasons.

Firstly, when you write fast, you tap into that stream of ideas being continuously pumped out by the Idea Factory. Secondly, as you write faster, you approach the lightning speed of your mind. Thirdly, you get through the writing phase quicker, and reinforce positive neural pathways in your mind. And so on.

We’ll get to more of that in the Apply section.

The second definition of “writing FAST” is the speed of the read. A well-written piece will always read fast. So if you’re “writing FAST,” you’re actually being very kind to your reader. Writing only exists to be read, so the reader is the most important person to your writing. Right now, for example, you’re more important than I am. I can put words on the page all day long. But it’s all a waste of time if you don’t understand them.

So when I talk about “writing FAST,” don’t just think of speed writing. That’s only one part of the equation. The more important part is the speed of the read.

The third definition of “writing FAST” is using the FAST System to write your project. You’re “writing FAST” when you go through this four-part process to get your projects written. The FAST System is this: Focus, Apply, Strengthen, Tweak.

You can speed write without using the FAST System. And you can create writing that reads fast without using the FAST System, too.

But either way, you’re only using one third of the potential power of this book.

My goal is to get you doing all three. Speed writing and creating material that reads fast, while using the FAST System.

That’s what I really mean by FAST.

Make sense?