Weaving in lighter emotional colors

Accidental poetry: Improve your english through creative writing - Lisa Lieberman 2015

Weaving in lighter emotional colors

People are walking with me now out of the darkness. — First year English student


I use the concept of the color spectrum when referring to the emotions that swirl within us, since colors provide immediate visual recognition. Anger, shame, loneliness and fear would be dark emotional colors, while freedom, joy, compassion, empathy, kindness, honesty, mindfulness and serenity would be considered the lighter colors. Part of the fun for me when working with these exercises is that I learn quite a lot about other cultures and lands based upon the responses. I once asked a group of European students, what makes you feel alive? Their responses taught me about the beauty of their villages in early morning as the shopkeepers set out their wares; the majesty of the Mediterranean Sea in mid-summer; the joy they felt trekking into deep forests. It was more authentic than a travel book!

The following exercises will inspire thoughts about the lighter emotional colors. Let your heart open as you recall the joyful times, and use whatever words you currently have to describe your emotions and tell your stories.

55.What everyday miracles do you forget to notice?

56.What makes you feel alive?

57.When did a crack of light creep into the darkness?


58.True empathy: When have you looked at another person and said, “I AM you?”

59.Gratitude. Thanking others. When did you feel this most strongly?

60.What gifts do you have to offer another?

61.How has travel to other lands opened your heart and mind to others?

62.How has compassion for others changed your life?

63.When has showing compassion brought you a sense of pure joy?


64.How has compassion made you a good neighbor?

65.When has taking the “high road” of honesty brought you inner peace?

66.When have you turned a mistake into a benefit?

67.When did the clouds part to reveal clarity?

68.What makes you weep with joy?

69.When have you felt at one with all the creatures on the planet?


70.How has your compassion expanded to all living creatures, and not just to humans?

71.Where do you find comfort to avoid feeling pain?

72.What does freedom look like?

73.How has compassion for others helped you to rise above yourself?

74.What do you want people to know about you?

75.When has forgiveness brought you inner peace?


76.What does contentment look like?

77.When have you felt freedom from fear?

78.What will bring you serenity?

79.When have you accepted disappointment without losing hope?

80.When have you turned your wounds into wisdom?

81.When have you listened to your inner voice and understood true honesty?