Childhood memories

Accidental poetry: Improve your english through creative writing - Lisa Lieberman 2015

Childhood memories

The little girl grew up slowly but learned quickly. - First year English student


When you write about your childhood, you might find that long-forgotten memories flood to the surface. Take advantage of this as you access moments from your youth. Are you ready to add dialogue? Give it a try as the scene comes into focus and the stories begin to flow.

182.What do you remember most about your childhood home?

183.Do you carry your childhood with you?

184.Did you need to be extraordinary?

185.Were you encouraged to cry?

186.What is your earliest memory of injustice?

187.What frightened you?


188.Whose face do you see when you think of your childhood playmates?

189.What lesson from childhood did you bring into your adult life?

190.What is your earliest memory?

191.What did you want to be when you grew up?

192.Who believed in you the most? How did that shape you?

193.Did you yearn to visit foreign lands?

194.Were you encouraged to embrace solitude?

195.When did you feel most safe?

196.Did you fit in or feel out of step with your peers?


197.What was your first experience with death?

198.Were you encouraged to grow up quickly?

199.What was your relationship to the outdoors?