14 The future: will/won’t, shall/shan’t

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

14 The future: will/won’t, shall/shan’t

Quick reference

• We use will (’ll) to talk about a simple prediction of a future event or situation.

After /or we in affirmative sentences, we can use will or shall, but we normally use their short form ’ll. In negative sentences, after/or we, we can use won’t or shan’t. Won’t is more common.

My brother will be here soon. He ’ll be tired after his long journey.

There’s a bus strike, so I won’t get/shan't get to work on time tomorrow.

• We use Shall we? Shall I? to ask for suggestions and to make a suggestion or an offer.

What shall we do? Shall we go to the cinema? Shall I carry your suitcase?

• We can use will (’ll) when we decide to do something at the moment of speaking and won’t to express a sudden decision not to do something, or a refusal.

Sit down. I’ll buy the drinks. I won’t have a coffee, thanks.

I won’t speak to her again.

• We can use will to make a request.

Will you lend me S5? Will you come with me?

1 Complete this conversation, using will (or ’ll) and won ’t/shan’t.

’Jack’s broken his leg in a car accident. He’s in hospital.’

’Really? (1 he/be) ... in hospital for long?’

’No, he (2 not be) ... there for very long. Two days perhaps. He’s got his leg in plaster.’

’How long (3 he/have) ... the plaster on?

’They say it (4 be) ... about six weeks.’

’He (5 not be able to) ... play football, (6) ... he?’

’No, and he (7 not be able to) ... drive either. He (8 have to) ... go everywhere by bus. He (9 not like) ... that.’

’I hope he (10 be) ... all right.’

’I’m sure he (11) ... . They (12 look after) ... him at the hospital.’

’The trouble is I (13 not be able to) ... go and see him. I (14 not be) ... at home for the next week.’

’Never mind. You (15 see) ... him when you get back.’

2 Helen is a social worker. She is visiting an old lady of 90 who has got some problems. In Helen’s replies, complete the second question so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

Example: 1 I don’t want to watch television any more.

Helen: Do you want me to turn it off? Shall I turn it off?

2 Yes, please. I’m so bored, just sitting here.

Helen: Why don’t we look at a magazine together? ... look at a magazine together?

3 I can’t see properly. My glasses are dirty.

Helen: Would you like me to clean them for you? ... for you?

4 ]’m thirsty.

Helen: Why don’t I make you a cup of tea? ... you a cup of tea?

5 I must get out of the house more.

Helen: Do you want us to go for a walk? ... for a walk?

6 No, I’m really not feeling well.

Helen: Would you like me to call the doctor? ... the doctor?

3 Steve is in a hurry. He is going away for a week and he is catching a train in half an hour. But he has still got a lot of things to do. His neighbour Rachel is offering to help him. Write what they say. Use these verbs.




not forget




Steve: Oh, no! The phone’s ringing. Rachel: Don’t worry. I'll ansiver it.

1 Steve: I think my train ticket’s in the desk in the living room. Rachel: I ...

2 Steve: I haven’t fed the cat. Rachel: I ...

3 Steve: The upstairs windows are still open. Rachel: I ...

4 Steve: I haven’t told my mother I’m going to be away. Rachel: I ...

5 Rachel: Remember to send me a postcard! Steve: Don’t worry. I ...

4 Tom and Zoe are having a drink. Zoe is going to Rome tomorrow for three months. Complete the conversation, using will or won’t.

Tom: What (I have) ... to drink?

Zoe: I (2 have) ... anything alcoholic. I think I (3 have) ... a tomato juice.

Tom: You (4 write) ... to me while you’re away, (5) ... you?

Zoe: Yes, I promise I (6 write) ... every week.

Tом: I want to know that you’ve arrived safely, so (7 you/phone) ... me from Rome?

Zoe: I (8 phone) ... you from the airport because I (9 have) ... time. I (10 phone) ... you from the hotel.

Tom: Do you know your address in Rome yet?

Zoe: No, but I (11 send) ... it to you as soon as I know.

Tom: Don’t talk to any good-looking Italians, (12) ... you?

Zoe: I(13 talk) ... to anyone.

Tом: I want to ask you something before you go. (14 you/marry) ... me?

Zoe: Tom! I can’t give you an answer now, but I (15 think) ... about it.

Tom: When (16 you/give) ... me your answer?

Zoe: We (17 talk) ... about it when I get back from Rome.

5 a) Make some predictions about the year 2010. Write five sentences, using will and won’t.

b) You are at a party. How would you answer these questions?

What will you have to drink? What will you have to eat?

Check your answers with a teacher.