16 The future continuous and the future perfect

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

16 The future continuous and the future perfect

Quick reference

We use the future continuous (will be/wont be + -ing):

• to say that something will be or won’t be in progress at a certain time in the future, because

a) it is part of a normal routine, or b) it has been planned.

What will you be doing al 9.00 tomorrow? - i’ll be sitting in my office, as usual.

I can 't come at 8.00. I’ll be watching the match on television.

• to talk about the present, when we say what is probably happening (or not happening) at this moment.

Don’t phone Anna now. She’ll be having her lunch.

He s just come out of hospital. He won’t be feeling very strong.

We use the future perfect (will have/won't have + past participle):

• to talk about something that hasn’t happened yet, but that will be (or won’t be) completed before a certain time in the future.

I’ll have finished reading this book by tomorrow evening.

The car won’t be ready tomorrow. They won’t have repaired it till Thursday.

• to talk about the present, when we say what has probably happened (or not happened) by now.

It’s eight о ’clock. He’ll have arrived in Rome by now.

1 These are Mark’s arrangements for next Saturday:

9.00 Swim at Sports Centre 10.15 Supermarket - week's shopping

12.00 Drink with Lee at the Red Lion 13.15 Lunch with Emily 14.45 Yoga lesson in town 16.00 Optician's - eye test 17.30 Squash club. Game with Jerry.

Jenny is talking to him on the phone. Complete Mark’s replies, using the future continuous.

Example: ’Hi, Mark. Can we meet at nine on Saturday morning?’

I'm afraid not. I'll be having a swim at the Sports Centre at nine.

Jenny: Well, what about 10.30?

Mark: No, that’s not possible. (1) I ... the week’s shopping.

Jenny: What about lunch at about 12.15?

Mark: I can’t. (2) I ... at the Red Lion.

Jenny: Well, we could meet for lunch a bit later. Say 1.30?

Mark: No. (3) 1 ... with Emily.

Jenny: Well, shall I come round to your place at about 3.00?

Mark: No, I won’t be here. (4) I ... in town.

Jenny: Well, I’m free at about 4.00. Shall I ring you then? Mark: No. (5) I ... at the optician’s.

Jenny: How about a drink at the pub at 5.30?

Mark: That’s not possible. (6) I ... with Jerry.

Jenny: OK. I’ve got the message!

2 Between June 5th and June 8th Nick will be taking his college exams. On June 10th he will be leaving college. On June 11th he will be moving into a new flat. On June 15th he will be starting work as a chef in a restaurant. On June 29th he will be getting his exam results. What will he have done by the end of June?

Example: By the end of June he'll have taken his college exams.

1 ...

2 ...

3 ...

4 ...

3 Nigel is at home in London. Sophie, his wife, is in Accra on business. When it is 8 a.m. in London, it is also 8 a.m. in Accra. Sophie is thinking about Nigel. She knows his habits very well. Complete her thoughts, using the future continuous and the future perfect. This is what Nigel does every day.

7.15 He gets up.

7.45 Breakfast.

8.15 To work.  

12.30-13.15 Lunch.

18.30 Home.

19.30 Dinner.

21.00 TV news.

23.00 To bed.

Example: What is Sophie thinking at 7.15? He'll be getting up.

And at 8.00? He’ll have finished his breakfast.

1 What’s she thinking at 8.15? ... to work

2 At 9.00? ... work.

3 At 12.35? ... lunch.

4 At 13.20? ... lunch.

5 At 18.35? ... home.

6 At 19.35? ... dinner.

7 At 21.05? ... the news.

8 At 23.05? ... to bed.

4 Melanie Wright is meeting her cousin Camilla from Australia at the station on Saturday. This will be the first time they have met. Melanie is talking to Camilla on the phone. Write Melanie’s questions, using the future continuous and the future perfect.

Melanie: 1 expect you’ll be tired when you arrive in London.

(1) ... on the plane?

Camilla: No, I won't have slept at all. I can never sleep on planes.

Melanie: (2) ...?

Camilla: I’ll be catching the 11.30 train from London Paddington.

Melanie: (3) ...?

Camilla: Quite a lot, I’m afraid. I’ll be bringing two big suitcases and a bag.

Melanie: (4) ...?

Camilla: Yes, I'll have had lunch on the train.

Melanie: (5) ...?

Camilla: I’ll be wearing a red jacket, so you should recognise me.

5 What will you be doing this time next year? Write three sentences. What will you have done by the end of next year? Write three sentences. Check your answers with a teacher.