26 Can, could, may, would in requests, offers and invitations

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

26 Can, could, may, would in requests, offers and invitations

Quick reference

• We use can, could and may to ask for things or for permission. Could is a little more polite than Can May is more formal than Could.

Can I come? Could I have a drink? Could I open a window? May I smoke?

• We can use Would you. Can you, Could you (not May you) to ask someone to do something. Would you is more formal than Can you and Could you and is less common.

Саn you help me? Could you pass me the salt? Would you get a taxi for me?

• We use Can I or May/when we offer to do something. May is more formal and less common than Can. Can I get you a drink? Can we help you? May I make a suggestion?

• To give permission we usually use can. May is very formal.

You can stay till midnight. You may leave now. (formal)

• We use would like to offer something or to offer to do something, and to invite someone to do something. Would you like some tea?

Would you like me to get you a ticket? Would you like to stay the night?

1 Michelle and Jean-Claude are staying at a bed and breakfast in England. They ask the owner for help, and for permission to do things. Match their needs with their requests.

1 Where can we leave the car?

2 We want to visit Castle Drogo. We don’t know where it is.

3 We’ll be back late tonight.

4 We want to leave very early tomorrow.

5 We need to contact our bank.

6 We need a film for our camera.

7 We like bread with our meals.

8 I like a cigarette after dinner.

9 A friend might phone from Paris.

a) Could we have some, please?

b) May we park in front of the house?

c) May I smoke in the dining-room?

d) Can you tell us where we can buy one?

e) Could you lend us a map?

f) Could we have breakfast at 7.30?

g) Can we use the phone?

h) Would you tell her we'll ring her back?

i) Can you give us a key?

1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9...

2 Manuela has just arrived in London to study English at a language school. She is living in a flat with a group of English girls who are very kind and helpful. Complete their offers and invitations. Use Would you like ...?/Would you like to ...?/Would you like me to ...?

1 I’ll be driving past your language school this morning. ... a lift?

2 I’ve just made some coffee. ... some?

3 This is our microwave. ... show you how it works?

4 You haven’t got an umbrella, have you? ... borrow mine?

5 I’m afraid the bank doesn’t open till 9.30. ... lend you some money?

6 There are two very nice boys living in the flat upstairs. ... meet them?

7 I know a Spanish girl at work. ... invite her round for a meal?

8 We’re all going to a party tomorrow night. ... come?