4 The present continuous and the present simple with future meaning

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

4 The present continuous and the present simple with future meaning

Quick reference

• We use the present continuous to talk about things we’ve already arranged for the future. What are you doing this evening? - I’m playing tennis with Andy at 7.30.

(not What do you do? I play tennis with Andy.)

• We use the present simple to talk about a timetable, schedule or programme of future events. I’ve got the details from the travel agent. We check in at the airport at 7.00. The plane leaves at 8.15, and we arrive in Barcelona at 10.30.

1 The Prime Minister will be in Torquay tomorrow. These are the arrangements that have been made for his visit.

7.30 Arrival at Torquay station

8.00 Breakfast with local party officials

9.00 Visit to Technicom electronics factory

11.15 Town hall. Meet the mayor

12.15 Lunch with a local family

14.00 Open the new shopping centre

16.30 Helicopter leaves Imperial Hotel

Complete the questions and answers about the Prime Minister’s visit.

1 How/travel/to Torquay?

He ...

2 What/do/at 8.00?

He ...

3 he/do/anything at 9.15?

Yes, he ...

4 Where/he/meet/the mayor?

He ...

5 Who/he/have/lunch with?

He ...

6 he/be/free/at 14.00?

No, he ...

7 How/return to London?

He ...

2 Match the questions about holiday arrangements on the left with the answers on the right.

1 Are you going on holiday this summer?

2 Where are you going?

3 How long are you going for?

4 Who are you going with?

5 Where are you staying?

6 Where are you flying from?

7 Which airline are you flying with?

8 How are you getting to Gatwick?

a) I’m renting an apartment near Naples.

b) London Gatwick.

c) I’m going on my own.

d) By train.

e) Alitalia.

f) To the south of Italy.

g) Yes, I am.

h) For two weeks.

1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 6.... 7.... 8....

3 A friend is going to a rock concert on Saturday. You want to know something about it. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word(s) in brackets.

Example: I want to know when the concert starts, (when?) When does the concert start?

1 I want to know where the concert is. (where?) ... the concert?

2 I want to know which bands are playing. (which?) ... bands ...?

3 I want to know how much tickets cost. (how much?) ... tickets ...?

4 I want to know how you’re getting there. (how?) ... there?

5 I want to know when the concert finishes. (what time?) ... the concert ...?

4 Put in the correct forms of the verbs. Use either the present continuous or the present simple.

James Dent (I go) ... to a football match in London tomorrow. England (2 play) ... Colombia. He (3 go) ... with his friend Richard. They (4 not go) ... by coach because James (5 not like) ... travelling by coach. They (6 go) ... by train. The train (7 leave) ... Bristol at 12.15. It (8 be) ... a fast train and (9 not stop) ... anywhere. It (10 arrive) ... in London at 13.45. James and Richard (I 1 take) ... enough money with them to buy lunch on the train. The match (12 start) ... at 15.00 and it (13 finish) ... at about 16.45. Their train home (14 leave) ... London at 18.00. They (15 arrive) ... back in Bristol at 19.45.

5 Write down three things you are doing next week and one you are not doing.


I'm playing tennis on Tuesday.

I’m not going out on Friday evening.

Check your answers with a teacher