43 I wish .../If only...: I wish you’d stay. If only I had a car

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

43 I wish .../If only...: I wish you’d stay. If only I had a car

Quick reference

• We use wish or If only + would to say that we want something to change, or that we want someone to do something. It often means we’re feeling impatient or annoyed.

/ wish it would stop raining. If only he’d (would) be quiet.

Note that we can’t say ’I wish I would ...’ or ’I wish we would ...’

• We use could after/and we to talk about a regret about a present or future inability.

/ wish I could come with you. I wish we could have a holiday.

• We use wish or If only + the past simple or the past continuous when we talk about a regret we have about a present situation.

/ wish I had more money. I wish she was my girlfriend. If only it wasn’t raining.

• We use wish or if only + the past perfect when we talk about a regret we have about something that happened or didn’t happen in the past.

I wish you’d (had) come earlier. (but you didn’t come earlier.)

I wish I hadn’t said that. If only the train had been on time.

• We don’t use would have after wish/if only.

(not I wish I would have seen it. not If only you would have worked harder.)

1 Luke is revising for an important exam. He is feeling stressed. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the words given.

Example: The phone’s ringing - why doesn’t someone answer it? (wish)

The phone's ringing -I wish somebody would answer it.

1 I want my sister to turn the television down. (wish)

2 I want my brother to stop playing his music so loudly. (If only)

3 I don’t want my mother to keep coming up to my room. (wish)

4 I don’t want her to worry so much. (If only)

5 I want to know what the exam questions are. (wish)

6 I don’t want to have to do the exam. (If only)

2 Albert Street is 85. He is thinking back over his life. Complete what he says using I wish + the past perfect. Use these verbs.


have (x2)






Example: I wish I'd (had) stayed at school longer.

1 ... to university.

2 ... a foreign language.

3 ... to more foreign countries.

4 ... more books.

5 ... a more interesting job.

6 ... the first girl I fell in love with.

7 ... a son as well as three daughters.

3 Complete what the people in the picture are saying, using wish/if only + would/wouldn’t or wish/if only + the past simple or the past perfect of these verbs.

not forget


not buy




Example: 1 I wish my bus would come.

2 I wish ... raining.

4 If only ...in the country.

6 I wish ... so many things.

3 If only ... more money.

5 I wish ... my raincoat.

4 a) Write three sentences about the regrets you have about the situation you are in at present.

Examples: I wish I was on a beach in the sun. I wish I wasn't studying English grammar.

I wish I could go on holiday.

b) Write three sentences about things you wish you had or had not done in the past.

Example: I wish I'd started to learn English at an earlier age.

Check your answers with a teacher.