49 Verb + -ing: I enjoy eating

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

49 Verb + -ing: I enjoy eating

Quick reference

• If these verbs are followed by another verb, we use the -ing form of the second verb: admit, avoid, consider, delay, deny, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, finish, go on, imagine, involve, keep, mind, miss, postpone, practise, recall, regret, risk, suggest.

I avoided meeting her. They finished arguing. The manager risked losing his job.

• We use go and come + -ing when we talk about sports or free-time activities outside the home.

He went shopping. Do you want to come sailing? Shall we go swimming?

1 These are some of the results of a recent survey in the USA in which Americans were asked about their likes and dislikes. Read the text below and think of one word which best fits each space.

63% said they enjoyed (1) ... to sleep at night.

38% of American husbands fancied the idea of dating other women but only 13% admitted (2) ... it regularly.

32% said they hated (3) ... the dirty dishes and pans after a meal.

29% of drivers said they delayed (4) ... up their cars with petrol for as long as possible.

27% of Americans couldn’t imagine not (5) ... no matter how rich they were, because they enjoyed their jobs.

23% said they were considering (6) ... jobs because they were bored at work.

21% said they disliked (7) ... up in the morning and admitted (8) ... it to the last moment.

19% said they didn’t mind just (9) ... in front of the TV, whatever was on.

17% of Americans went on (10) ... computer games even when they were adults.

15% said they regretted not (11) ... to play a musical instrument.

5% said they detested (12) ... their teeth.

3 Complete these sentences about yourself using the verb + -ing form. Check your answers with a teacher.

1 I enjoy ... 2 I hate ... 3 I avoid ... 4 I fancy ... 5 I regret ... 6 I dislike ...