62 Countable and uncountable nouns

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

62 Countable and uncountable nouns

Quick reference

1 A puzzle. Find the ’odd man out’ in each group. It is either a countable or an uncountable noun in the wrong place.

2 a) Read the text and decide which answer, A, В or C best fits each space.

b) Which nouns in this text are uncountable? Write a list.

When I was young my grandfather gave me (1) ... advice. He said ’People (2 ) ... too much. The important thing is to listen. Don’t depend on money. Money (3) ... bring happiness. Work hard. Progress (4) ... always the result of hard work. A house needn’t be full of tables and chairs. Fine furniture (5) ... important, but the house should be full of warmth and love. Visit different countries, because knowledge about other parts of the world (6 ) ... important, and travel (7) ... you independence and tolerance.’

a) 1 A an

3 A doesn’t

5 A isn’t

7 A teaches

В some

В don’t

В isn’t being

В teach

C the

C does

C aren’t

C show

2 A talks

4 A are

6 A isn’t

В talk

В aren’t

В are

C doesn’t talk

C is

C is

b) Uncountable


3 This is a conversation at the Tourist Information Centre at Paddington Station in London. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct alternative.

’I’d like (I some/an) ... information, please. Is it easy to find (2 an/—) ... accommodation in this part of London?’

’Are you looking for (3 a/—) ... hotel?’

’Yes, but it mustn’t be too expensive or too far away because our luggage (4 is/are) ... heavy and we can’t afford (5 a/—) ... taxi.’

’Well, here are the names of some hotels less than a mile from here. Public transport (6 is/are) ... quite cheap. You can catch (7 a/—) ... bus.’

’Fine. Thanks. Is there anywhere we can buy (8 a/—) ... wine round here? You see it’s my girlfriend’s birthday today and I want to buy (9 a/—) ... good red wine to celebrate.’

’Yes, there’s a shop that sells (10 a/—) ... wine just outside the station.’

4 Write six sentences, beginning with the following nouns.

1 The traffic in big cities ... 2 Money ... 3 Spaghetti ... 4 Scientific research ... 5 Food ... 6 Scuba-diving equipment ...

Check your answers with a teacher.